首先要確保機器上安裝瞭java sdk;
然後,將android 手機通過usb連接到計算機上
運行adb devices命令,並且看到設備,這一步很重要,會啟動android adb相關的服務,否則無法在工具運行後使用
雙擊該文件,或者執行命令:javaws androidscreencast_file_path即可
Desktop app to control an android device remotely using mouse and keyboard. Should work on Windows/Linux/MacOS with any android device.
I've created a google groups HERE for support, no direct help request please.
Install the android sdk (download here)
Connect your device through USB cable and ensure it's detected with "adb devices"
Make sure you have Java Runtime Environnement 5 or later installed
Click HERE. You can launch it by typing "javaws <jnlp file>" from a command line.
If mouse/keyboard control doesn't work, open a command line and type :
adb shell
chmod 777 /data/dalvik-cache
cd /data/dalvik-cache
chmod 777 ./
Mouse and keyboard control FOR ROOTED DEVICES ONLY
Landscape mode (right click)
Video recording
Basic file browser
Current limitations
Slow refresh rate (about 4-5 fps)
Not all keycode are mapped. See KeyMapping
Automatic screen rotation based on the device current state.
Improve speed
Audio redirection
How can i help ?
Donate using this button : (Thank Daniel and Tyler !)
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