
例說過如果需要構造一些較復雜的類的實例,通常的方法是使用@Provides 方法。這個方法必須定義在模塊中(Module),而且必須使用@Provides 標註,在個方法的返回類型則綁定到這個方法返回的對象實例。

如果這個方法帶有binding Annotation 或是@Named(“xxx”),Guice則將@Provides方法返回的對象綁定到這個annotated 類型。

本例使用@Provides創建三個圓,然後再屏幕上顯示出來,圖形庫的使用可以參見Android簡明開發教程十二:引路蜂二維圖形庫簡介及顏色示例 。其實創建圓並不復雜,這裡隻是用來說明@Provides 方法的用法。

在Graphics2DModule 在添加三個@Provides方法:

[java] @Provides @Named("Circle1") 
IShape provideCircle1(){ 
 return new Ellipse(30,60,80,80); 

@Provides @Named("Circle2") 
IShape provideCircle2(){ 
 return new Ellipse(60,30,80,80); 

@Provides @Named("Circle3") 
IShape provideCircle3(){ 
 return new Ellipse(90,60,80,80); 

@Provides @Named("Circle1")
IShape provideCircle1(){
 return new Ellipse(30,60,80,80);
@Provides @Named("Circle2")
IShape provideCircle2(){
 return new Ellipse(60,30,80,80);
@Provides @Named("Circle3")
IShape provideCircle3(){
 return new Ellipse(90,60,80,80);




[java] public class ProvidesMethodsDemo extends Graphics2DActivity{ 
 @Inject @Named("Circle1") IShape circle1; 
 @Inject @Named("Circle2") IShape circle2; 
 @Inject @Named("Circle3") IShape circle3; 
 protected void drawImage(){ 
 // The solid (full opaque) red color in the ARGB space  
 Color redColor    = new Color(0xffff0000); 
 // The semi-opaque green color in the ARGB space (alpha is 0x78)  
 Color greenColor = new Color(0x7800ff00,true); 
// The semi-opaque blue color in the ARGB space (alpha is 0x78)  
 Color blueColor = new Color(0x780000ff,true); 
// The semi-opaque yellow color in the ARGB space ( alpha is 0x78)  
 Color yellowColor = new Color(0x78ffff00,true); 
// The dash array  
 int dashArray[] = { 20 ,8 }; 
 SolidBrush brush=new SolidBrush(redColor); 
 brush=new SolidBrush(greenColor); 
 Pen pen=new Pen(yellowColor,10,Pen.CAP_BUTT,Pen.JOIN_MITER,dashArray,0); 
 brush=new SolidBrush(blueColor); 

public class ProvidesMethodsDemo extends Graphics2DActivity{
 @Inject @Named("Circle1") IShape circle1;
 @Inject @Named("Circle2") IShape circle2;
 @Inject @Named("Circle3") IShape circle3;
 protected void drawImage(){
 // The solid (full opaque) red color in the ARGB space
 Color redColor    = new Color(0xffff0000);
 // The semi-opaque green color in the ARGB space (alpha is 0x78)
 Color greenColor = new Color(0x7800ff00,true);
// The semi-opaque blue color in the ARGB space (alpha is 0x78)
 Color blueColor = new Color(0x780000ff,true);
// The semi-opaque yellow color in the ARGB space ( alpha is 0x78)
 Color yellowColor = new Color(0x78ffff00,true);
// The dash array
 int dashArray[] = { 20 ,8 };
 SolidBrush brush=new SolidBrush(redColor);
 brush=new SolidBrush(greenColor);
 Pen pen=new Pen(yellowColor,10,Pen.CAP_BUTT,Pen.JOIN_MITER,dashArray,0);
 brush=new SolidBrush(blueColor);

[java] @Provides @Named("Circle1") 
IShape provideCircle1(@Named("width") int width){ 
 return new Ellipse(30,60,width,width); 


摘自 引路蜂移動軟件



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