

//Test case 2: getPlaybackHeadPosition() increases after play()
    public void testPlaybackHeadPositionIncrease() throws Exception {
        // constants for test
        final String TEST_NAME = "testPlaybackHeadPositionIncrease";
        final int TEST_SR = 22050;
        final int TEST_CONF = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO;
        final int TEST_FORMAT = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;
        final int TEST_MODE = AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM;
        final int TEST_STREAM_TYPE = AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC;
        //——– initialization ————–
        int minBuffSize = AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize(TEST_SR, TEST_CONF, TEST_FORMAT);
        AudioTrack track = new AudioTrack(TEST_STREAM_TYPE, TEST_SR, TEST_CONF, TEST_FORMAT,
                minBuffSize, TEST_MODE);
        byte data[] = new byte[minBuffSize/2];
        //——–    test        ————–
        assumeTrue(TEST_NAME, track.getState() == AudioTrack.STATE_INITIALIZED);
        track.write(data, 0, data.length);
        track.write(data, 0, data.length);
        log(TEST_NAME, "position ="+ track.getPlaybackHeadPosition());
        assertTrue(TEST_NAME, track.getPlaybackHeadPosition() > 0);
        //——– tear down      ————–

//Test case 2: getPlaybackHeadPosition() increases after play()
// 在上一篇關於getPlaybackHeadPosition的分析中,沒有調用play函數,就調用瞭getPlaybackHeadPosition,所以獲取的position應該為0.
// 而本例子中,在write之後就調用瞭play,然後sleep瞭100ms,才調用的getPlaybackHeadPosition。
// 也就是說,播放瞭100ms才去獲取的位置,此時的位置當然應該大於0
    public void testPlaybackHeadPositionIncrease() throws Exception {
        // constants for test
        final String TEST_NAME = "testPlaybackHeadPositionIncrease";
        final int TEST_SR = 22050;
        final int TEST_CONF = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO;
        final int TEST_FORMAT = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;
        final int TEST_MODE = AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM;
        final int TEST_STREAM_TYPE = AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC;
        //——– initialization ————–
        int minBuffSize = AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize(TEST_SR, TEST_CONF, TEST_FORMAT);
        AudioTrack track = new AudioTrack(TEST_STREAM_TYPE, TEST_SR, TEST_CONF, TEST_FORMAT,
                minBuffSize, TEST_MODE);
        byte data[] = new byte[minBuffSize/2];
        //——–    test        ————–
        assumeTrue(TEST_NAME, track.getState() == AudioTrack.STATE_INITIALIZED);
        track.write(data, 0, data.length);
        track.write(data, 0, data.length);
// 這次的引子是position如何被改變的
// 既然播放之後,獲取的position為正,那麼play函數的調用就應該會導致position的改變。
// 一起來看看play函數如何導致position改變的。
     * Starts playing an AudioTrack.
     * @throws IllegalStateException
    public void play()
    throws IllegalStateException {
        if (mState != STATE_INITIALIZED) {
            throw(new IllegalStateException("play() called on uninitialized AudioTrack."));

        synchronized(mPlayStateLock) {
static void
android_media_AudioTrack_start(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
    AudioTrack *lpTrack = (AudioTrack *)env->GetIntField(
        thiz, javaAudioTrackFields.nativeTrackInJavaObj);
    if (lpTrack == NULL ) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException",
            "Unable to retrieve AudioTrack pointer for start()");

void AudioTrack::start()
// mAudioTrackThread在函數AudioTrack::set中被賦值。
    sp<AudioTrackThread> t = mAudioTrackThread;
    status_t status;

    LOGV("start %p", this);
    if (t != 0) {
// 函數exitPending返回成員變量mExitPending
        if (t->exitPending()) {
            if (t->requestExitAndWait() == WOULD_BLOCK) {
                LOGE("AudioTrack::start called from thread");

    if (android_atomic_or(1, &mActive) == 0) {
        mNewPosition = mCblk->server + mUpdatePeriod;
        mCblk->bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS;
        mCblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
        mCblk->flags &= ~CBLK_DISABLED_ON;
        if (t != 0) {
// 調用的是函數Thread::run
           t->run("AudioTrackThread", THREAD_PRIORITY_AUDIO_CLIENT);
status_t Thread::run(const char* name, int32_t priority, size_t stack)
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);

    if (mRunning) {
        // thread already started
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    // reset status and exitPending to their default value, so we can
    // try again after an error happened (either below, or in readyToRun())
    mStatus = NO_ERROR;
// 在函數exitPending中會返回該成員變量
    mExitPending = false;
    mThread = thread_id_t(-1);
    // hold a strong reference on ourself
    mHoldSelf = this;

    mRunning = true;

    bool res;
// 我們調用函數AudioTrack::set的時候,將threadCanCallJava指定為瞭false
    if (mCanCallJava) {
        res = createThreadEtc(_threadLoop,
                this, name, priority, stack, &mThread);
// Create thread with lots of parameters
inline bool createThreadEtc(thread_func_t entryFunction,
                            void *userData,
                            const char* threadName = "android:unnamed_thread",
                            int32_t threadPriority = PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                            size_t threadStackSize = 0,
                            thread_id_t *threadId = 0)
    return androidCreateThreadEtc(entryFunction, userData, threadName,
        threadPriority, threadStackSize, threadId) ? true : false;
int androidCreateThreadEtc(android_thread_func_t entryFunction,
                            void *userData,
                            const char* threadName,
                            int32_t threadPriority,
                            size_t threadStackSize,
                            android_thread_id_t *threadId)
// gCreateThreadFn被初始化為androidCreateRawThreadEtc。
// 函數androidSetCreateThreadFunc會對其賦值
    return gCreateThreadFn(entryFunction, userData, threadName,
        threadPriority, threadStackSize, threadId);
void androidSetCreateThreadFunc(android_create_thread_fn func)
    gCreateThreadFn = func;

 * Register android native functions with the VM.
/*static*/ int AndroidRuntime::startReg(JNIEnv* env)
     * This hook causes all future threads created in this process to be
     * attached to the JavaVM.  (This needs to go away in favor of JNI
     * Attach calls.)
    androidSetCreateThreadFunc((android_create_thread_fn) javaCreateThreadEtc);
 * This is invoked from androidCreateThreadEtc() via the callback
 * set with androidSetCreateThreadFunc().
 * We need to create the new thread in such a way that it gets hooked
 * into the VM before it really starts executing.
/*static*/ int AndroidRuntime::javaCreateThreadEtc(
                                android_thread_func_t entryFunction,
                                void* userData,
                                const char* threadName,
                                int32_t threadPriority,
                                size_t threadStackSize,
                                android_thread_id_t* threadId)
    void** args = (void**) malloc(3 * sizeof(void*));   // javaThreadShell must free
    int result;

    assert(threadName != NULL);

    args[0] = (void*) entryFunction;
    args[1] = userData;
    args[2] = (void*) strdup(threadName);   // javaThreadShell must free

// 如果可以從java層調用的話,就在thread外包瞭層殼
    result = androidCreateRawThreadEtc(AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell, args,
        threadName, threadPriority, threadStackSize, threadId);
    return result;

    LOGV("— registering native functions —\n");

     * Every "register" function calls one or more things that return
     * a local reference (e.g. FindClass).  Because we haven't really
     * started the VM yet, they're all getting stored in the base frame
     * and never released.  Use Push/Pop to manage the storage.

    if (register_jni_procs(gRegJNI, NELEM(gRegJNI), env) < 0) {
        return -1;

    //createJavaThread("fubar", quickTest, (void*) "hello");

    return 0;

 * Start the Android runtime.  This involves starting the virtual machine
 * and calling the "static void main(String[] args)" method in the class
 * named by "className".
void AndroidRuntime::start(const char* className, const bool startSystemServer)
    LOGD("\n>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START %s <<<<<<\n",
            className != NULL ? className : "(unknown)");

    char* slashClassName = NULL;
    char* cp;
    JNIEnv* env;


     * 'startSystemServer == true' means runtime is obslete and not run from
     * init.rc anymore, so we print out the boot start event here.
    if (startSystemServer) {
        /* track our progress through the boot sequence */
        const int LOG_BOOT_PROGRESS_START = 3000;

    const char* rootDir = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
    if (rootDir == NULL) {
        rootDir = "/system";
        if (!hasDir("/system")) {
            LOG_FATAL("No root directory specified, and /android does not exist.");
            goto bail;
        setenv("ANDROID_ROOT", rootDir, 1);

    //const char* kernelHack = getenv("LD_ASSUME_KERNEL");
    //LOGD("Found LD_ASSUME_KERNEL='%s'\n", kernelHack);

    /* start the virtual machine */
    if (startVm(&mJavaVM, &env) != 0)
        goto bail;

     * Register android functions.
    if (startReg(env) < 0) {
        LOGE("Unable to register all android natives\n");
        goto bail;

     * We want to call main() with a String array with arguments in it.
     * At present we only have one argument, the class name.  Create an
     * array to hold it.
    jclass stringClass;
    jobjectArray strArray;
    jstring classNameStr;
    jstring startSystemServerStr;

    stringClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/String");
    assert(stringClass != NULL);
    strArray = env->NewObjectArray(2, stringClass, NULL);
    assert(strArray != NULL);
    classNameStr = env->NewStringUTF(className);
    assert(classNameStr != NULL);
    env->SetObjectArrayElement(strArray, 0, classNameStr);
    startSystemServerStr = env->NewStringUTF(startSystemServer ?
                                                 "true" : "false");
    env->SetObjectArrayElement(strArray, 1, startSystemServerStr);

     * Start VM.  This thread becomes the main thread of the VM, and will
     * not return until the VM exits.
    jclass startClass;
    jmethodID startMeth;

    slashClassName = strdup(className);
    for (cp = slashClassName; *cp != '\0'; cp++)
        if (*cp == '.')
            *cp = '/';

    startClass = env->FindClass(slashClassName);
    if (startClass == NULL) {
        LOGE("JavaVM unable to locate class '%s'\n", slashClassName);
        /* keep going */
    } else {
        startMeth = env->GetStaticMethodID(startClass, "main",
        if (startMeth == NULL) {
            LOGE("JavaVM unable to find main() in '%s'\n", className);
            /* keep going */
        } else {
            env->CallStaticVoidMethod(startClass, startMeth, strArray);

#if 0
            if (env->ExceptionCheck())

    LOGD("Shutting down VM\n");
    if (mJavaVM->DetachCurrentThread() != JNI_OK)
        LOGW("Warning: unable to detach main thread\n");
    if (mJavaVM->DestroyJavaVM() != 0)
        LOGW("Warning: VM did not shut down cleanly\n");

    } else {
        res = androidCreateRawThreadEtc(_threadLoop,
                this, name, priority, stack, &mThread);

#if defined(HAVE_PTHREADS)

int androidCreateRawThreadEtc(android_thread_func_t entryFunction,
                               void *userData,
                               const char* threadName,
                               int32_t threadPriority,
                               size_t threadStackSize,
                               android_thread_id_t *threadId)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);

#ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_OS  /* valgrind is rejecting RT-priority create reqs */
    if (threadPriority != PRIORITY_DEFAULT || threadName != NULL) {
        // We could avoid the trampoline if there was a way to get to the
        // android_thread_id_t (pid) from pthread_t
        thread_data_t* t = new thread_data_t;
        t->priority = threadPriority;
        t->threadName = threadName ? strdup(threadName) : NULL;
        t->entryFunction = entryFunction;
        t->userData = userData;
        entryFunction = (android_thread_func_t)&thread_data_t::trampoline;
        userData = t;           

    if (threadStackSize) {
        pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, threadStackSize);
    errno = 0;
    pthread_t thread;
    int result = pthread_create(&thread, &attr,
                    (android_pthread_entry)entryFunction, userData);
    if (result != 0) {
        LOGE("androidCreateRawThreadEtc failed (entry=%p, res=%d, errno=%d)\n"
             "(android threadPriority=%d)",
            entryFunction, result, errno, threadPriority);
        return 0;

    if (threadId != NULL) {
        *threadId = (android_thread_id_t)thread; // XXX: this is not portable
    return 1;

#elif defined(HAVE_WIN32_THREADS)

int androidCreateRawThreadEtc(android_thread_func_t fn,
                               void *userData,
                               const char* threadName,
                               int32_t threadPriority,
                               size_t threadStackSize,
                               android_thread_id_t *threadId)
    return doCreateThread(  fn, userData, threadId);
 * Create and run a new thread.
static bool doCreateThread(android_thread_func_t fn, void* arg, android_thread_id_t *id)
    HANDLE hThread;
    struct threadDetails* pDetails = new threadDetails; // must be on heap
    unsigned int thrdaddr;

    pDetails->func = fn;
    pDetails->arg = arg;

    hThread = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, threadIntermediary, pDetails, 0,
    if (hThread == 0)
#elif defined(HAVE_CREATETHREAD)
    hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0,
                    (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) threadIntermediary,
                    (void*) pDetails, 0, (DWORD*) &thrdaddr);
    if (hThread == NULL)
        LOG(LOG_WARN, "thread", "WARNING: thread create failed\n");
        return false;

    /* close the management handle */

    if (id != NULL) {
      *id = (android_thread_id_t)thrdaddr;

    return true;

    if (res == false) {
        mStatus = UNKNOWN_ERROR;   // something happened!
        mRunning = false;
        mThread = thread_id_t(-1);
        mHoldSelf.clear();  // "this" may have gone away after this.

        return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
    // Do not refer to mStatus here: The thread is already running (may, in fact
    // already have exited with a valid mStatus result). The NO_ERROR indication
    // here merely indicates successfully starting the thread and does not
    // imply successful termination/execution.
    return NO_ERROR;

// 在上面創建線程的時候,我們傳入的是函數_threadLoop。
int Thread::_threadLoop(void* user)
    Thread* const self = static_cast<Thread*>(user);
    sp<Thread> strong(self->mHoldSelf);
    wp<Thread> weak(strong);

    // this is very useful for debugging with gdb
    self->mTid = gettid();

    bool first = true;

    do {
        bool result;
        if (first) {
            first = false;
            self->mStatus = self->readyToRun();
            result = (self->mStatus == NO_ERROR);

            if (result && !self->mExitPending) {
                // Binder threads (and maybe others) rely on threadLoop
                // running at least once after a successful ::readyToRun()
                // (unless, of course, the thread has already been asked to exit
                // at that point).
                // This is because threads are essentially used like this:
                //   (new ThreadSubclass())->run();
                // The caller therefore does not retain a strong reference to
                // the thread and the thread would simply disappear after the
                // successful ::readyToRun() call instead of entering the
                // threadLoop at least once.
// 可見,最終調用的還是各thread的threadLoop函數
                result = self->threadLoop();
bool AudioTrack::AudioTrackThread::threadLoop()
// 調用的其實是函數AudioTrack::processAudioBuffer
    return mReceiver.processAudioBuffer(this);
bool AudioTrack::processAudioBuffer(const sp<AudioTrackThread>& thread)
    Buffer audioBuffer;
    uint32_t frames;
    size_t writtenSize;

    // Manage underrun callback
    if (mActive && (mCblk->framesReady() == 0)) {
        LOGV("Underrun user: %x, server: %x, flags %04x", mCblk->user, mCblk->server, mCblk->flags);
        if ((mCblk->flags & CBLK_UNDERRUN_MSK) == CBLK_UNDERRUN_OFF) {
            mCbf(EVENT_UNDERRUN, mUserData, 0);
            if (mCblk->server == mCblk->frameCount) {
// 函數指針mCbf指向的是函數audioCallback
                mCbf(EVENT_BUFFER_END, mUserData, 0);
static void audioCallback(int event, void* user, void *info) {
    if (event == AudioTrack::EVENT_MORE_DATA) {
        // set size to 0 to signal we're not using the callback to write more data
        AudioTrack::Buffer* pBuff = (AudioTrack::Buffer*)info;
        pBuff->size = 0; 
    } else if (event == AudioTrack::EVENT_MARKER) {
        audiotrack_callback_cookie *callbackInfo = (audiotrack_callback_cookie *)user;
        JNIEnv *env = AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv();
        if (user && env) {
                callbackInfo->audioTrack_ref, event, 0,0, NULL);
            if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {

    } else if (event == AudioTrack::EVENT_NEW_POS) {
        audiotrack_callback_cookie *callbackInfo = (audiotrack_callback_cookie *)user;
        JNIEnv *env = AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv();
        if (user && env) {
                callbackInfo->audioTrack_ref, event, 0,0, NULL);
            if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
            mCblk->flags |= CBLK_UNDERRUN_ON;
            if (mSharedBuffer != 0) return false;

    // Manage loop end callback
    while (mLoopCount > mCblk->loopCount) {
        int loopCount = -1;
        if (mLoopCount >= 0) loopCount = mLoopCount;

        mCbf(EVENT_LOOP_END, mUserData, (void *)&loopCount);

    // Manage marker callback
    if (!mMarkerReached && (mMarkerPosition > 0)) {
        if (mCblk->server >= mMarkerPosition) {
            mCbf(EVENT_MARKER, mUserData, (void *)&mMarkerPosition);
            mMarkerReached = true;

    // Manage new position callback
    if (mUpdatePeriod > 0) {
        while (mCblk->server >= mNewPosition) {
            mCbf(EVENT_NEW_POS, mUserData, (void *)&mNewPosition);
            mNewPosition += mUpdatePeriod;

    // If Shared buffer is used, no data is requested from client.
    if (mSharedBuffer != 0) {
        frames = 0;
    } else {
        frames = mRemainingFrames;

    do {

        audioBuffer.frameCount = frames;

        // Calling obtainBuffer() with a wait count of 1
        // limits wait time to WAIT_PERIOD_MS. This prevents from being
        // stuck here not being able to handle timed events (position, markers, loops).
        status_t err = obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer, 1);
        if (err < NO_ERROR) {
            if (err != TIMED_OUT) {
                LOGE_IF(err != status_t(NO_MORE_BUFFERS), "Error obtaining an audio buffer, giving up.");
                return false;
        if (err == status_t(STOPPED)) return false;

        // Divide buffer size by 2 to take into account the expansion
        // due to 8 to 16 bit conversion: the callback must fill only half
        // of the destination buffer
        if (mFormat == AudioSystem::PCM_8_BIT && !(mFlags & AudioSystem::OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT)) {
            audioBuffer.size >>= 1;

        size_t reqSize = audioBuffer.size;
        mCbf(EVENT_MORE_DATA, mUserData, &audioBuffer);
        writtenSize = audioBuffer.size;

        // Sanity check on returned size
        if (ssize_t(writtenSize) <= 0) {
            // The callback is done filling buffers
            // Keep this thread going to handle timed events and
            // still try to get more data in intervals of WAIT_PERIOD_MS
            // but don't just loop and block the CPU, so wait
        if (writtenSize > reqSize) writtenSize = reqSize;

        if (mFormat == AudioSystem::PCM_8_BIT && !(mFlags & AudioSystem::OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT)) {
            // 8 to 16 bit conversion
            const int8_t *src = audioBuffer.i8 + writtenSize-1;
            int count = writtenSize;
            int16_t *dst = audioBuffer.i16 + writtenSize-1;
            while(count–) {
                *dst– = (int16_t)(*src–^0x80) << 8;
            writtenSize <<= 1;

        audioBuffer.size = writtenSize;
        // NOTE: mCblk->frameSize is not equal to AudioTrack::frameSize() for
        // 8 bit PCM data: in this case,  mCblk->frameSize is based on a sampel size of
        // 16 bit.
        audioBuffer.frameCount = writtenSize/mCblk->frameSize;

        frames -= audioBuffer.frameCount;

    while (frames);

    if (frames == 0) {
        mRemainingFrames = mNotificationFramesAct;
    } else {
        mRemainingFrames = frames;
    return true;
        } else {
            result = self->threadLoop();

        if (result == false || self->mExitPending) {
            self->mExitPending = true;
            self->mRunning = false;
            // clear thread ID so that requestExitAndWait() does not exit if
            // called by a new thread using the same thread ID as this one.
            self->mThread = thread_id_t(-1);
            self->mThread = thread_id_t(-1); // thread id could be reused
        // Release our strong reference, to let a chance to the thread
        // to die a peaceful death.
        // And immediately, re-acquire a strong reference for the next loop
        strong = weak.promote();
    } while(strong != 0);
    return 0;
        } else {

        if (mCblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK) {
            LOGW("start() track %p invalidated, creating a new one", this);
            // no need to clear the invalid flag as this cblk will not be used anymore
            // force new track creation
            status = DEAD_OBJECT;
        } else {
// mAudioTrack在函數AudioTrack::createTrack中被賦值,其最終指向的其實是一個TrackHandle對象
            status = mAudioTrack->start();
status_t AudioFlinger::TrackHandle::start() {
    return mTrack->start();
status_t AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track::start()
    status_t status = NO_ERROR;
    LOGV("start(%d), calling thread %d session %d",
            mName, IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid(), mSessionId);
    sp<ThreadBase> thread = mThread.promote();
    if (thread != 0) {
        Mutex::Autolock _l(thread->mLock);
        int state = mState;
        // here the track could be either new, or restarted
        // in both cases "unstop" the track
        if (mState == PAUSED) {
            mState = TrackBase::RESUMING;
            LOGV("PAUSED => RESUMING (%d) on thread %p", mName, this);
        } else {
            mState = TrackBase::ACTIVE;
            LOGV("? => ACTIVE (%d) on thread %p", mName, this);

        if (!isOutputTrack() && state != ACTIVE && state != RESUMING) {
            status = AudioSystem::startOutput(thread->id(),
status_t AudioSystem::startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,
                                  AudioSystem::stream_type stream,
                                  int session)
    const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
    if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
    return aps->startOutput(output, stream, session);
status_t AudioPolicyService::startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,
                                         AudioSystem::stream_type stream,
                                         int session)
    if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) {
        return NO_INIT;
    LOGV("startOutput() tid %d", gettid());
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    return mpPolicyManager->startOutput(output, stream, session);
status_t AudioPolicyManagerBase::startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,
                                             AudioSystem::stream_type stream,
                                             int session)
    LOGV("startOutput() output %d, stream %d, session %d", output, stream, session);
// 函數AudioPolicyManagerBase::addOutput調用瞭函數mOutputs.add往mOutputs添加成員
    ssize_t index = mOutputs.indexOfKey(output);
void AudioPolicyManagerBase::addOutput(audio_io_handle_t id, AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc)
    outputDesc->mId = id;
    mOutputs.add(id, outputDesc);

    if (index < 0) {
        LOGW("startOutput() unknow output %d", output);
        return BAD_VALUE;

// 在mOutputs中,output作為key,outputDesc作為value。
    AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueAt(index);
// 函數getStrategy就是根據stream type返回特定的strategy。
    routing_strategy strategy = getStrategy((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream);

#ifdef WITH_A2DP
    if (mA2dpOutput != 0  && !a2dpUsedForSonification() && strategy == STRATEGY_SONIFICATION) {
        setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, true, mA2dpOutput);
void AudioPolicyManagerBase::setStrategyMute(routing_strategy strategy, bool on, audio_io_handle_t output, int delayMs)
    LOGV("setStrategyMute() strategy %d, mute %d, output %d", strategy, on, output);
// 將strategy對應的stream全部mute
    for (int stream = 0; stream < AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES; stream++) {
        if (getStrategy((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream) == strategy) {
            setStreamMute(stream, on, output, delayMs);
void AudioPolicyManagerBase::setStreamMute(int stream, bool on, audio_io_handle_t output, int delayMs)
    StreamDescriptor &streamDesc = mStreams[stream];
        // stream descriptor used for volume control
        class StreamDescriptor
            :   mIndexMin(0), mIndexMax(1), mIndexCur(1), mCanBeMuted(true) {}

            void dump(char* buffer, size_t size);

            int mIndexMin;      // min volume index
            int mIndexMax;      // max volume index
            int mIndexCur;      // current volume index
            bool mCanBeMuted;   // true is the stream can be muted
    AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueFor(output);
// descriptor for audio outputs. Used to maintain current configuration of each opened audio output
        // and keep track of the usage of this output by each audio stream type.
        class AudioOutputDescriptor

            status_t    dump(int fd);

            uint32_t device();
            void changeRefCount(AudioSystem::stream_type, int delta);
            uint32_t refCount();
            uint32_t strategyRefCount(routing_strategy strategy);
            bool isUsedByStrategy(routing_strategy strategy) { return (strategyRefCount(strategy) != 0);}
            bool isDuplicated() { return (mOutput1 != NULL && mOutput2 != NULL); }

            audio_io_handle_t mId;              // output handle
            uint32_t mSamplingRate;             //
            uint32_t mFormat;                   //
            uint32_t mChannels;                 // output configuration
            uint32_t mLatency;                  //
            AudioSystem::output_flags mFlags;   //
            uint32_t mDevice;                   // current device this output is routed to
            uint32_t mRefCount[AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES]; // number of streams of each type using this output
            AudioOutputDescriptor *mOutput1;    // used by duplicated outputs: first output
            AudioOutputDescriptor *mOutput2;    // used by duplicated outputs: second output
            float mCurVolume[AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES];   // current stream volume
            int mMuteCount[AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES];     // mute request counter

    LOGV("setStreamMute() stream %d, mute %d, output %d, mMuteCount %d", stream, on, output, outputDesc->mMuteCount[stream]);

    if (on) {
        if (outputDesc->mMuteCount[stream] == 0) {
            if (streamDesc.mCanBeMuted) {
                checkAndSetVolume(stream, 0, output, outputDesc->device(), delayMs);
status_t AudioPolicyManagerBase::checkAndSetVolume(int stream, int index, audio_io_handle_t output, uint32_t device, int delayMs, bool force)

    // do not change actual stream volume if the stream is muted
    if (mOutputs.valueFor(output)->mMuteCount[stream] != 0) {
        LOGV("checkAndSetVolume() stream %d muted count %d", stream, mOutputs.valueFor(output)->mMuteCount[stream]);
        return NO_ERROR;

    // do not change in call volume if bluetooth is connected and vice versa
    if ((stream == AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL && mForceUse[AudioSystem::FOR_COMMUNICATION] == AudioSystem::FORCE_BT_SCO) ||
        (stream == AudioSystem::BLUETOOTH_SCO && mForceUse[AudioSystem::FOR_COMMUNICATION] != AudioSystem::FORCE_BT_SCO)) {
        LOGV("checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream %d volume with force use = %d for comm",
             stream, mForceUse[AudioSystem::FOR_COMMUNICATION]);
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    float volume = computeVolume(stream, index, output, device);
float AudioPolicyManagerBase::computeVolume(int stream, int index, audio_io_handle_t output, uint32_t device)
    float volume = 1.0;
    AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueFor(output);
    StreamDescriptor &streamDesc = mStreams[stream];

    if (device == 0) {
        device = outputDesc->device();

    int volInt = (100 * (index – streamDesc.mIndexMin)) / (streamDesc.mIndexMax – streamDesc.mIndexMin);
    volume = AudioSystem::linearToLog(volInt);
float AudioSystem::linearToLog(int volume)
    // float v = volume ? exp(float(100 – volume) * dBConvert) : 0;
    // LOGD("linearToLog(%d)=%f", volume, v);
    // return v;
    return volume ? exp(float(100 – volume) * dBConvert) : 0;

    // if a headset is connected, apply the following rules to ring tones and notifications
    // to avoid sound level bursts in user's ears:
    // – always attenuate ring tones and notifications volume by 6dB
    // – if music is playing, always limit the volume to current music volume,
    // with a minimum threshold at -36dB so that notification is always perceived.
    if ((device &
        (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP |
        AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET |
        AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE)) &&
        ((getStrategy((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream) == STRATEGY_SONIFICATION) ||
         (stream == AudioSystem::SYSTEM)) &&
        streamDesc.mCanBeMuted) {
// Attenuation applied to STRATEGY_SONIFICATION streams when a headset is connected: 6dB
        // when the phone is ringing we must consider that music could have been paused just before
        // by the music application and behave as if music was active if the last music track was
        // just stopped
// 函數AudioPolicyManagerBase::setPhoneState中有對mLimitRingtoneVolume賦值
    // Flag that ringtone volume must be limited to music volume until we exit MODE_RINGTONE
    if (state == AudioSystem::MODE_RINGTONE &&
        (hwOutputDesc->mRefCount[AudioSystem::MUSIC] ||
        (systemTime() – mMusicStopTime) < seconds(SONIFICATION_HEADSET_MUSIC_DELAY))) {
        mLimitRingtoneVolume = true;
    } else {
        mLimitRingtoneVolume = false;
        if (outputDesc->mRefCount[AudioSystem::MUSIC] || mLimitRingtoneVolume) {
            float musicVol = computeVolume(AudioSystem::MUSIC, mStreams[AudioSystem::MUSIC].mIndexCur, output, device);
            if (volume > minVol) {
                volume = minVol;
                LOGV("computeVolume limiting volume to %f musicVol %f", minVol, musicVol);

    return volume;
    // We actually change the volume if:
    // – the float value returned by computeVolume() changed
    // – the force flag is set
    if (volume != mOutputs.valueFor(output)->mCurVolume[stream] ||
            force) {
        mOutputs.valueFor(output)->mCurVolume[stream] = volume;
        LOGV("setStreamVolume() for output %d stream %d, volume %f, delay %d", output, stream, volume, delayMs);
        if (stream == AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL ||
            stream == AudioSystem::DTMF ||
            stream == AudioSystem::BLUETOOTH_SCO) {
            // offset value to reflect actual hardware volume that never reaches 0
            // 1% corresponds roughly to first step in VOICE_CALL stream volume setting (see AudioService.java)
            volume = 0.01 + 0.99 * volume;
        mpClientInterface->setStreamVolume((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream, volume, output, delayMs);
status_t AudioPolicyService::setStreamVolume(AudioSystem::stream_type stream,
                                             float volume,
                                             audio_io_handle_t output,
                                             int delayMs)
// mAudioCommandThread在AudioPolicyService的構造函數中被創建
    return mAudioCommandThread->volumeCommand((int)stream, volume, (int)output, delayMs);
status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::volumeCommand(int stream,
                                                               float volume,
                                                               int output,
                                                               int delayMs)
    status_t status = NO_ERROR;

    AudioCommand *command = new AudioCommand();
    command->mCommand = SET_VOLUME;
    VolumeData *data = new VolumeData();
    data->mStream = stream;
    data->mVolume = volume;
    data->mIO = output;
    command->mParam = data;
    if (delayMs == 0) {
        command->mWaitStatus = true;
    } else {
        command->mWaitStatus = false;
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    insertCommand_l(command, delayMs);
// insertCommand_l() must be called with mLock held
void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::insertCommand_l(AudioCommand *command, int delayMs)
    ssize_t i;
    Vector <AudioCommand *> removedCommands;

    command->mTime = systemTime() + milliseconds(delayMs);

    // acquire wake lock to make sure delayed commands are processed
    if (mName != "" && mAudioCommands.isEmpty()) {
        acquire_wake_lock(PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, mName.string());

    // check same pending commands with later time stamps and eliminate them
// 如果command隊列中,存在正在等待的相同的command,如果其延遲比新加入的還要晚,則刪除這些command
// 從後往前遍歷
    for (i = mAudioCommands.size()-1; i >= 0; i–) {
        AudioCommand *command2 = mAudioCommands[i];
        // commands are sorted by increasing time stamp: no need to scan the rest of mAudioCommands
// command在隊列中是按照時間戳排序的,開頭的時間戳最短
// 從後往前遍歷,碰到比自己小的時間戳,說明前面所有command 的時間戳都比新command的時間戳要小,也就沒必要再比較瞭
        if (command2->mTime <= command->mTime) break;
// 隻比較相同的command類型
        if (command2->mCommand != command->mCommand) continue;

        switch (command->mCommand) {
// 如果是設置參數,因為要設置的參數比較多,隻把要設置的相同類型的參數刪掉
// 如果隊列中command設置的所有的參數類型與新command的所有參數類型完全相同,則將原來的command刪除
        case SET_PARAMETERS: {
            ParametersData *data = (ParametersData *)command->mParam;
            ParametersData *data2 = (ParametersData *)command2->mParam;
            if (data->mIO != data2->mIO) break;
            LOGV("Comparing parameter command %s to new command %s",
                    data2->mKeyValuePairs.string(), data->mKeyValuePairs.string());
            AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(data->mKeyValuePairs);
            AudioParameter param2 = AudioParameter(data2->mKeyValuePairs);
            for (size_t j = 0; j < param.size(); j++) {
               String8 key;
               String8 value;
               param.getAt(j, key, value);
               for (size_t k = 0; k < param2.size(); k++) {
                  String8 key2;
                  String8 value2;
                  param2.getAt(k, key2, value2);
                  if (key2 == key) {
                      LOGV("Filtering out parameter %s", key2.string());
            // if all keys have been filtered out, remove the command.
            // otherwise, update the key value pairs
            if (param2.size() == 0) {
            } else {
                data2->mKeyValuePairs = param2.toString();
        } break;

// 如果是設置音量,比較它們是否是要設置同一個output上的相同的stream的音量
// 如果是,則刪除原command
        case SET_VOLUME: {
            VolumeData *data = (VolumeData *)command->mParam;
            VolumeData *data2 = (VolumeData *)command2->mParam;
            if (data->mIO != data2->mIO) break;
            if (data->mStream != data2->mStream) break;
            LOGV("Filtering out volume command on output %d for stream %d",
                    data->mIO, data->mStream);
        } break;
        case START_TONE:
        case STOP_TONE:

    // remove filtered commands
    for (size_t j = 0; j < removedCommands.size(); j++) {
        // removed commands always have time stamps greater than current command
        for (size_t k = i + 1; k < mAudioCommands.size(); k++) {
            if (mAudioCommands[k] == removedCommands[j]) {
                LOGV("suppressing command: %d", mAudioCommands[k]->mCommand);

    // insert command at the right place according to its time stamp
    LOGV("inserting command: %d at index %d, num commands %d",
            command->mCommand, (int)i+1, mAudioCommands.size());
// 將command加入到隊列mAudioCommands中,位置i是根據時間戳算出來的
// 函數AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::threadLoop中會處理mAudioCommands中的command
    mAudioCommands.insertAt(command, i + 1);
bool AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::threadLoop()
    nsecs_t waitTime = INT64_MAX;

    while (!exitPending())
        while(!mAudioCommands.isEmpty()) {
            nsecs_t curTime = systemTime();
            // commands are sorted by increasing time stamp: execute them from index 0 and up
            if (mAudioCommands[0]->mTime <= curTime) {
// 每次總是取第一個command進行處理,因為第一個command 的時間戳永遠是最早的
                AudioCommand *command = mAudioCommands[0];
                mLastCommand = *command;

                switch (command->mCommand) {
                case START_TONE: {
                    ToneData *data = (ToneData *)command->mParam;
                    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing start tone %d on stream %d",
                            data->mType, data->mStream);
                    if (mpToneGenerator != NULL)
                        delete mpToneGenerator;
                    mpToneGenerator = new ToneGenerator(data->mStream, 1.0);
                    delete data;
                case STOP_TONE: {
                    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing stop tone");
                    if (mpToneGenerator != NULL) {
                        delete mpToneGenerator;
                        mpToneGenerator = NULL;
                case SET_VOLUME: {
                    VolumeData *data = (VolumeData *)command->mParam;
                    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set volume stream %d, \
                            volume %f, output %d", data->mStream, data->mVolume, data->mIO);
                    command->mStatus = AudioSystem::setStreamVolume(data->mStream,
status_t AudioSystem::setStreamVolume(int stream, float value, int output)
    if (uint32_t(stream) >= NUM_STREAM_TYPES) return BAD_VALUE;
    const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
    if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
    af->setStreamVolume(stream, value, output);
status_t AudioFlinger::setStreamVolume(int stream, float value, int output)
    // check calling permissions
    if (!settingsAllowed()) {
        return PERMISSION_DENIED;

    if (stream < 0 || uint32_t(stream) >= AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES) {
        return BAD_VALUE;

    AutoMutex lock(mLock);
    PlaybackThread *thread = NULL;
    if (output) {
        thread = checkPlaybackThread_l(output);
        if (thread == NULL) {
            return BAD_VALUE;

    mStreamTypes[stream].volume = value;

// 如果沒有找到output對應的playback thread,則將所有的playback thread中的對應stream的音量全部改變
// 否則隻改變對應的playback thread中對應stream的音量
    if (thread == NULL) {
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mPlaybackThreads.size(); i++) {
           mPlaybackThreads.valueAt(i)->setStreamVolume(stream, value);
    } else {
        thread->setStreamVolume(stream, value);
status_t AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::setStreamVolume(int stream, float value)
#ifdef LVMX
    int audioOutputType = LifeVibes::getMixerType(mId, mType);
    if (LifeVibes::audioOutputTypeIsLifeVibes(audioOutputType)) {
        LifeVibes::setStreamVolume(audioOutputType, stream, value);
// 隻是改變瞭軟件音量
// mStreamTypes中保存的音量,在函數AudioFlinger::MixerThread::prepareTracks_l中有被使用
    mStreamTypes[stream].volume = value;
                // read original volumes with volume control
                float typeVolume = mStreamTypes[track->type()].volume;
#ifdef LVMX
                bool streamMute=false;
                // read the volume from the LivesVibes audio engine.
                if (LifeVibes::audioOutputTypeIsLifeVibes(audioOutputType))
                    LifeVibes::getStreamVolumes(audioOutputType, track->type(), &typeVolume, &streamMute);
                    if (streamMute) {
                        typeVolume = 0;
                float v = masterVolume * typeVolume;
                vl = (uint32_t)(v * cblk->volume[0]) << 12;
                vr = (uint32_t)(v * cblk->volume[1]) << 12;

                va = (uint32_t)(v * cblk->sendLevel);
            // Delegate volume control to effect in track effect chain if needed
// 轉換後的音量在此處有被使用
// chain->setVolume_l函數中不僅使用瞭音量,也有去改變音量
            if (chain != 0 && chain->setVolume_l(&vl, &vr)) {
// setVolume_l() must be called with PlaybackThread::mLock held
bool AudioFlinger::EffectChain::setVolume_l(uint32_t *left, uint32_t *right)
    uint32_t newLeft = *left;
    uint32_t newRight = *right;
    bool hasControl = false;
    int ctrlIdx = -1;
    size_t size = mEffects.size();

    // first update volume controller
    for (size_t i = size; i > 0; i–) {
        if (mEffects[i – 1]->isProcessEnabled() &&
            (mEffects[i – 1]->desc().flags & EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_MASK) == EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL) {
            ctrlIdx = i – 1;
            hasControl = true;

    if (ctrlIdx == mVolumeCtrlIdx && *left == mLeftVolume && *right == mRightVolume) {
        if (hasControl) {
            *left = mNewLeftVolume;
            *right = mNewRightVolume;
        return hasControl;

    mVolumeCtrlIdx = ctrlIdx;
    mLeftVolume = newLeft;
    mRightVolume = newRight;

    // second get volume update from volume controller
    if (ctrlIdx >= 0) {
        mEffects[ctrlIdx]->setVolume(&newLeft, &newRight, true);
status_t AudioFlinger::EffectModule::setVolume(uint32_t *left, uint32_t *right, bool controller)
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    status_t status = NO_ERROR;

    // Send volume indication if EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_IND is set and read back altered volume
    // if controller flag is set (Note that controller == TRUE => EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL set)
    if (isProcessEnabled() &&
            ((mDescriptor.flags & EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_MASK) == EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL ||
            (mDescriptor.flags & EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_MASK) == EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_IND)) {
        status_t cmdStatus;
        uint32_t volume[2];
        uint32_t *pVolume = NULL;
        uint32_t size = sizeof(volume);
        volume[0] = *left;
        volume[1] = *right;
        if (controller) {
            pVolume = volume;
        status = (*mEffectInterface)->command(mEffectInterface,
        if (controller && status == NO_ERROR && size == sizeof(volume)) {
            *left = volume[0];
            *right = volume[1];
    return status;
        mNewLeftVolume = newLeft;
        mNewRightVolume = newRight;
    // then indicate volume to all other effects in chain.
    // Pass altered volume to effects before volume controller
    // and requested volume to effects after controller
    uint32_t lVol = newLeft;
    uint32_t rVol = newRight;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if ((int)i == ctrlIdx) continue;
        // this also works for ctrlIdx == -1 when there is no volume controller
        if ((int)i > ctrlIdx) {
            lVol = *left;
            rVol = *right;
        mEffects[i]->setVolume(&lVol, &rVol, false);
    *left = newLeft;
    *right = newRight;

    return hasControl;
                // Do not ramp volume if volume is controlled by effect
                param = AudioMixer::VOLUME;
                track->mHasVolumeController = true;
            } else {
                // force no volume ramp when volume controller was just disabled or removed
                // from effect chain to avoid volume spike
                if (track->mHasVolumeController) {
                    param = AudioMixer::VOLUME;
                track->mHasVolumeController = false;

            // Convert volumes from 8.24 to 4.12 format
            int16_t left, right, aux;
            uint32_t v_clamped = (vl + (1 << 11)) >> 12;
            if (v_clamped > MAX_GAIN_INT) v_clamped = MAX_GAIN_INT;
            left = int16_t(v_clamped);
            v_clamped = (vr + (1 << 11)) >> 12;
            if (v_clamped > MAX_GAIN_INT) v_clamped = MAX_GAIN_INT;
            right = int16_t(v_clamped);

            if (va > MAX_GAIN_INT) va = MAX_GAIN_INT;
            aux = int16_t(va);

#ifdef LVMX
            if ( tracksConnectedChanged || stateChanged )
                 // only do the ramp when the volume is changed by the user / application
                 param = AudioMixer::VOLUME;

            // XXX: these things DON'T need to be done each time

// setParameter函數將volume信息設置到track對象中
// 函數process__OneTrack16BitsStereoNoResampling中會根據音量對數據進行處理
            mAudioMixer->setParameter(param, AudioMixer::VOLUME0, (void *)left);
            mAudioMixer->setParameter(param, AudioMixer::VOLUME1, (void *)right);
            mAudioMixer->setParameter(param, AudioMixer::AUXLEVEL, (void *)aux);
    return NO_ERROR;

    return NO_ERROR;
    return NO_ERROR;
                    if (command->mWaitStatus) {
                    delete data;
                case SET_PARAMETERS: {
                     ParametersData *data = (ParametersData *)command->mParam;
                     LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set parameters string %s, io %d",
                             data->mKeyValuePairs.string(), data->mIO);
                     command->mStatus = AudioSystem::setParameters(data->mIO, data->mKeyValuePairs);
                     if (command->mWaitStatus) {
                     delete data;
                case SET_VOICE_VOLUME: {
                    VoiceVolumeData *data = (VoiceVolumeData *)command->mParam;
                    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set voice volume volume %f",
// 這個命令會因函數AudioPolicyManagerBase::checkAndSetVolume中調用mpClientInterface->setVoiceVolume函數引起
// 這兒也展開看看
                    command->mStatus = AudioSystem::setVoiceVolume(data->mVolume);
status_t AudioSystem::setVoiceVolume(float value)
    const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
    if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
    return af->setVoiceVolume(value);
status_t AudioFlinger::setVoiceVolume(float value)
    // check calling permissions
    if (!settingsAllowed()) {
        return PERMISSION_DENIED;

    AutoMutex lock(mHardwareLock);
    mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_SET_VOICE_VOLUME;
    status_t ret = mAudioHardware->setVoiceVolume(value);
status_t AudioHardwareALSA::setVoiceVolume(float volume)
    /* could not set this params on SPDIF card, will return directly */
    if (!strcmp(mCurCard,SPDIF))
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    // The voice volume is used by the VOICE_CALL audio stream.

    if (mMixer)
        return mMixer->setVolume(AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE, volume, volume);
status_t ALSAMixer::setVolume(uint32_t device, float left, float right)
    for (int j = 0; mixerProp[j][SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK].device; j++)
        if (mixerProp[j][SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK].device & device) {

            mixer_info_t *info = mixerProp[j][SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK].mInfo;
            if (!info || !info->elem) return INVALID_OPERATION;

            long minVol = info->min;
            long maxVol = info->max;

            // Make sure volume is between bounds.
            long vol = minVol + left * (maxVol – minVol);
            if (vol > maxVol) vol = maxVol;
            if (vol < minVol) vol = minVol;

            info->volume = vol;
            snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume_all (info->elem, vol);
 * \brief Set value of playback volume control for all channels of a mixer simple element
 * \param elem Mixer simple element handle
 * \param value control value
 * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
int snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume_all(snd_mixer_elem_t *elem, long value)
snd_mixer_selem_channel_id_t chn;
int err;

for (chn = 0; chn < 32; chn++) {
if (!snd_mixer_selem_has_playback_channel(elem, chn))
 * \brief Get info about channels of playback stream of a mixer simple element
 * \param elem Mixer simple element handle
 * \param channel Mixer simple element channel identifier
 * \return 0 if channel is not present, 1 if present
int snd_mixer_selem_has_playback_channel(snd_mixer_elem_t *elem, snd_mixer_selem_channel_id_t channel)
return sm_selem_ops(elem)->is(elem, SM_PLAY, SM_OPS_IS_CHANNEL, (int)channel);
err = snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume(elem, chn, value);
 * \brief Set value of playback volume control of a mixer simple element
 * \param elem Mixer simple element handle
 * \param channel mixer simple element channel identifier
 * \param value control value
 * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
int snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume(snd_mixer_elem_t *elem, snd_mixer_selem_channel_id_t channel, long value)
// #define sm_selem_ops(x)((sm_selem_t *)((x)->private_data))->ops
return sm_selem_ops(elem)->set_volume(elem, SM_PLAY, channel, value);
typedef struct _sm_selem {
snd_mixer_selem_id_t *id;
struct sm_elem_ops *ops;
unsigned int caps;
unsigned int capture_group;
} sm_selem_t;
if (err < 0)
return err;
if (chn == 0 && snd_mixer_selem_has_playback_volume_joined(elem))
 * \brief Return info about playback volume control of a mixer simple element
 * \param elem Mixer simple element handle
 * \return 0 if control is separated per channel, 1 if control acts on all channels together
int snd_mixer_selem_has_playback_volume_joined(snd_mixer_elem_t *elem)
return 0;
return 0;

    return NO_ERROR;
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_IDLE;

    return ret;
                    if (command->mWaitStatus) {
                    delete data;
                    LOGW("AudioCommandThread() unknown command %d", command->mCommand);
                delete command;
                waitTime = INT64_MAX;
            } else {
                waitTime = mAudioCommands[0]->mTime – curTime;
        // release delayed commands wake lock
        if (mName != "" && mAudioCommands.isEmpty()) {
        LOGV("AudioCommandThread() going to sleep");
        mWaitWorkCV.waitRelative(mLock, waitTime);
        LOGV("AudioCommandThread() waking up");
    return false;
    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding set volume stream %d, volume %f, output %d",
            stream, volume, output);
    if (command->mWaitStatus) {
        status =  command->mStatus;
    return status;

    if (stream == AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL ||
        stream == AudioSystem::BLUETOOTH_SCO) {
        float voiceVolume;
        // Force voice volume to max for bluetooth SCO as volume is managed by the headset
        if (stream == AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL) {
            voiceVolume = (float)index/(float)mStreams[stream].mIndexMax;
        } else {
            voiceVolume = 1.0;
        if (voiceVolume != mLastVoiceVolume && output == mHardwareOutput) {
            mpClientInterface->setVoiceVolume(voiceVolume, delayMs);
            mLastVoiceVolume = voiceVolume;

    return NO_ERROR;
        // increment mMuteCount after calling checkAndSetVolume() so that volume change is not ignored
    } else {
        if (outputDesc->mMuteCount[stream] == 0) {
            LOGW("setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!");
        if (–outputDesc->mMuteCount[stream] == 0) {
            checkAndSetVolume(stream, streamDesc.mIndexCur, output, outputDesc->device(), delayMs);

    // incremenent usage count for this stream on the requested output:
    // NOTE that the usage count is the same for duplicated output and hardware output which is
    // necassary for a correct control of hardware output routing by startOutput() and stopOutput()
    outputDesc->changeRefCount(stream, 1);

    setOutputDevice(output, getNewDevice(output));
void AudioPolicyManagerBase::setOutputDevice(audio_io_handle_t output, uint32_t device, bool force, int delayMs)
    LOGV("setOutputDevice() output %d device %x delayMs %d", output, device, delayMs);
    AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueFor(output);


    if (outputDesc->isDuplicated()) {
        setOutputDevice(outputDesc->mOutput1->mId, device, force, delayMs);
        setOutputDevice(outputDesc->mOutput2->mId, device, force, delayMs);
#ifdef WITH_A2DP
    // filter devices according to output selected
    if (output == mA2dpOutput) {
        device &= AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP;
    } else {
        device &= ~AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP;

    uint32_t prevDevice = (uint32_t)outputDesc->device();
    // Do not change the routing if:
    //  – the requestede device is 0
    //  – the requested device is the same as current device and force is not specified.
    // Doing this check here allows the caller to call setOutputDevice() without conditions
    if ((device == 0 || device == prevDevice) && !force) {
        LOGV("setOutputDevice() setting same device %x or null device for output %d", device, output);

    outputDesc->mDevice = device;
    // mute media streams if both speaker and headset are selected
    if (output == mHardwareOutput && AudioSystem::popCount(device) == 2) {
        setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, true, output);
        // wait for the PCM output buffers to empty before proceeding with the rest of the command

    // do the routing
    AudioParameter param = AudioParameter();
    param.addInt(String8(AudioParameter::keyRouting), (int)device);
    mpClientInterface->setParameters(mHardwareOutput, param.toString(), delayMs);
void AudioPolicyService::setParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle,
                                       const String8& keyValuePairs,
                                       int delayMs)
    mAudioCommandThread->parametersCommand((int)ioHandle, keyValuePairs, delayMs);
status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::parametersCommand(int ioHandle,
                                                                   const String8& keyValuePairs,
                                                                   int delayMs)
    status_t status = NO_ERROR;

    AudioCommand *command = new AudioCommand();
    command->mCommand = SET_PARAMETERS;
    ParametersData *data = new ParametersData();
    data->mIO = ioHandle;
    data->mKeyValuePairs = keyValuePairs;
    command->mParam = data;
    if (delayMs == 0) {
        command->mWaitStatus = true;
    } else {
        command->mWaitStatus = false;
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
// 將command添加到隊列
// command的處理還是在函數AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::threadLoop中
// 這兒隻摘取瞭set parameter的片段
    insertCommand_l(command, delayMs);
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++case SET_PARAMETERS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                case SET_PARAMETERS: {
                     ParametersData *data = (ParametersData *)command->mParam;
                     LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set parameters string %s, io %d",
                             data->mKeyValuePairs.string(), data->mIO);
                     command->mStatus = AudioSystem::setParameters(data->mIO, data->mKeyValuePairs);
status_t AudioSystem::setParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const String8& keyValuePairs) {
    const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
    if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
    return af->setParameters(ioHandle, keyValuePairs);
status_t AudioFlinger::setParameters(int ioHandle, const String8& keyValuePairs)
    status_t result;

    LOGV("setParameters(): io %d, keyvalue %s, tid %d, calling tid %d",
            ioHandle, keyValuePairs.string(), gettid(), IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid());
    // check calling permissions
    if (!settingsAllowed()) {
        return PERMISSION_DENIED;

#ifdef LVMX
    AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(keyValuePairs);
    String8 key = String8(AudioParameter::keyRouting);
    int device;
    if (NO_ERROR != param.getInt(key, device)) {
        device = -1;

    key = String8(LifevibesTag);
    String8 value;
    int musicEnabled = -1;
    if (NO_ERROR == param.get(key, value)) {
        if (value == LifevibesEnable) {
            mLifeVibesClientPid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
            musicEnabled = 1;
        } else if (value == LifevibesDisable) {
            mLifeVibesClientPid = -1;
            musicEnabled = 0;

    // ioHandle == 0 means the parameters are global to the audio hardware interface
    if (ioHandle == 0) {
        AutoMutex lock(mHardwareLock);
        mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_SET_PARAMETER;
// 函數setParameters其實是個空的,並沒有實現。
// 類AudioHardwareALSA中沒有實現,基類AudioHardwareBase中是個空的
        result = mAudioHardware->setParameters(keyValuePairs);
#ifdef LVMX
        if (musicEnabled != -1) {
            LifeVibes::enableMusic((bool) musicEnabled);
        mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_IDLE;
        return result;

    // hold a strong ref on thread in case closeOutput() or closeInput() is called
    // and the thread is exited once the lock is released
    sp<ThreadBase> thread;
        Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
        thread = checkPlaybackThread_l(ioHandle);
        if (thread == NULL) {
            thread = checkRecordThread_l(ioHandle);
    if (thread != NULL) {
        result = thread->setParameters(keyValuePairs);
status_t AudioFlinger::ThreadBase::setParameters(const String8& keyValuePairs)
    status_t status;

    LOGV("ThreadBase::setParameters() %s", keyValuePairs.string());
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);

// checkForNewParameters_l函數會使用mNewParameters,如函數AudioFlinger::MixerThread::checkForNewParameters_l
// checkForNewParameters_l() must be called with ThreadBase::mLock held
bool AudioFlinger::MixerThread::checkForNewParameters_l()
    bool reconfig = false;

    while (!mNewParameters.isEmpty()) {
        status_t status = NO_ERROR;
        String8 keyValuePair = mNewParameters[0];
        AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(keyValuePair);
        int value;

        if (param.getInt(String8(AudioParameter::keySamplingRate), value) == NO_ERROR) {
            reconfig = true;
        if (param.getInt(String8(AudioParameter::keyFormat), value) == NO_ERROR) {
            if (value != AudioSystem::PCM_16_BIT) {
                status = BAD_VALUE;
            } else {
                reconfig = true;
        if (param.getInt(String8(AudioParameter::keyChannels), value) == NO_ERROR) {
            if (value != AudioSystem::CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO) {
                status = BAD_VALUE;
            } else {
                reconfig = true;
        if (param.getInt(String8(AudioParameter::keyFrameCount), value) == NO_ERROR) {
            // do not accept frame count changes if tracks are open as the track buffer
            // size depends on frame count and correct behavior would not be garantied
            // if frame count is changed after track creation
            if (!mTracks.isEmpty()) {
                status = INVALID_OPERATION;
            } else {
                reconfig = true;
        if (param.getInt(String8(AudioParameter::keyRouting), value) == NO_ERROR) {
            // forward device change to effects that have requested to be
            // aware of attached audio device.
            mDevice = (uint32_t)value;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < mEffectChains.size(); i++) {

        if (status == NO_ERROR) {
// mOutput在父類PlaybackThread的構造函數中被賦值,其值是通過構造函數參數傳過去的
// MixerThread對象是在函數AudioFlinger::openOutput中創建的
// 其中的output是調用函數AudioHardwareALSA::openOutputStream得到的
// 其中setParameters函數的實現是調用父類ALSAStreamOps的setParameters函數。
            status = mOutput->setParameters(keyValuePair);
    virtual status_t    setParameters(const String8& keyValuePairs) {
        return ALSAStreamOps::setParameters(keyValuePairs);
status_t ALSAStreamOps::setParameters(const String8& keyValuePairs)
    AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(keyValuePairs);
    String8 key = String8(AudioParameter::keyRouting);
    status_t status = NO_ERROR;
    int device;
    LOGV("setParameters() %s", keyValuePairs.string());

    if (param.getInt(key, device) == NO_ERROR) {
// mParent其實是AudioHardwareALSA對象
// mALSADevice的賦值在AudioHardwareALSA的構造函數中
// 通過調用函數module->methods->open得到,真正調用的函數是s_device_open
// mParent->mALSADevice->route其實是函數s_route
        mParent->mALSADevice->route(mHandle, (uint32_t)device, mParent->mode());
static status_t s_route(alsa_handle_t *handle, uint32_t devices, int mode)
    status_t status = NO_ERROR;

    LOGD("route called for devices %08x in mode %d…", devices, mode);
    // below Always noting to do, so we open device every time.
#if 0
    if (handle->handle && handle->curDev == devices && handle->curMode == mode)
        ; // Nothing to do
    else if (handle->handle && (handle->devices & devices))
        setAlsaControls(handle, devices, mode);
    else {
        LOGE("Why are we routing to a device that isn't supported by this object?!?!?!?!");
        status = s_open(handle, devices, mode);
    /* fix me if I was wrong here to judge the current sound card. In facat, in s_open, it will reconfig the controls */
setAlsaControls(handle, devices, mode);
void setAlsaControls(alsa_handle_t *handle, uint32_t devices, int mode)
    AlsaControlSet set = (AlsaControlSet) handle->modPrivate;
    const char *card = deviceName(handle, devices, mode, 0);
    set(devices, mode, card);
status = s_open(handle, devices, mode);
    return status;

    if (param.size()) {
        status = BAD_VALUE;
    return status;
            if (!mStandby && status == INVALID_OPERATION) {
               mStandby = true;
               mBytesWritten = 0;
               status = mOutput->setParameters(keyValuePair);
            if (status == NO_ERROR && reconfig) {
                delete mAudioMixer;
void AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::readOutputParameters()
    mSampleRate = mOutput->sampleRate();
    mChannels = mOutput->channels();
    mChannelCount = (uint16_t)AudioSystem::popCount(mChannels);
    mFormat = mOutput->format();
    mFrameSize = (uint16_t)mOutput->frameSize();
    mFrameCount = mOutput->bufferSize() / mFrameSize;

    // FIXME – Current mixer implementation only supports stereo output: Always
    // Allocate a stereo buffer even if HW output is mono.
    if (mMixBuffer != NULL) delete[] mMixBuffer;
    mMixBuffer = new int16_t[mFrameCount * 2];
    memset(mMixBuffer, 0, mFrameCount * 2 * sizeof(int16_t));

    // force reconfiguration of effect chains and engines to take new buffer size and audio
    // parameters into account
    // Note that mLock is not held when readOutputParameters() is called from the constructor
    // but in this case nothing is done below as no audio sessions have effect yet so it doesn't
    // matter.
    // create a copy of mEffectChains as calling moveEffectChain_l() can reorder some effect chains
    Vector< sp<EffectChain> > effectChains = mEffectChains;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < effectChains.size(); i ++) {
        mAudioFlinger->moveEffectChain_l(effectChains[i]->sessionId(), this, this, false);
                mAudioMixer = new AudioMixer(mFrameCount, mSampleRate);
                for (size_t i = 0; i < mTracks.size() ; i++) {
                    int name = getTrackName_l();
                    if (name < 0) break;
                    mTracks[i]->mName = name;
                    // limit track sample rate to 2 x new output sample rate
                    if (mTracks[i]->mCblk->sampleRate > 2 * sampleRate()) {
                        mTracks[i]->mCblk->sampleRate = 2 * sampleRate();
// sendConfigEvent_l() must be called with ThreadBase::mLock held
void AudioFlinger::ThreadBase::sendConfigEvent_l(int event, int param)
    ConfigEvent *configEvent = new ConfigEvent();
    configEvent->mEvent = event;
    configEvent->mParam = param;
// 函數AudioFlinger::ThreadBase::processConfigEvents會處理mConfigEvents中的event
void AudioFlinger::ThreadBase::processConfigEvents()
    while(!mConfigEvents.isEmpty()) {
        LOGV("processConfigEvents() remaining events %d", mConfigEvents.size());
        ConfigEvent *configEvent = mConfigEvents[0];
        // release mLock before locking AudioFlinger mLock: lock order is always
        // AudioFlinger then ThreadBase to avoid cross deadlock
        audioConfigChanged_l(configEvent->mEvent, configEvent->mParam);
// audioConfigChanged_l() must be called with AudioFlinger::mLock held
void AudioFlinger::audioConfigChanged_l(int event, int ioHandle, void *param2)
    size_t size = mNotificationClients.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// 函數AudioFlinger::registerClient會往mNotificationClients中add 對象
        mNotificationClients.valueAt(i)->client()->ioConfigChanged(event, ioHandle, param2);
void AudioFlinger::registerClient(const sp<IAudioFlingerClient>& client)

    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);

    int pid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
    if (mNotificationClients.indexOfKey(pid) < 0) {
        sp<NotificationClient> notificationClient = new NotificationClient(this,
        LOGV("registerClient() client %p, pid %d", notificationClient.get(), pid);

        mNotificationClients.add(pid, notificationClient);

        sp<IBinder> binder = client->asBinder();

        // the config change is always sent from playback or record threads to avoid deadlock
        // with AudioSystem::gLock
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mPlaybackThreads.size(); i++) {

        for (size_t i = 0; i < mRecordThreads.size(); i++) {
// establish binder interface to AudioFlinger service
const sp<IAudioFlinger>& AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger()
    Mutex::Autolock _l(gLock);
    if (gAudioFlinger.get() == 0) {
        sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager();
        sp<IBinder> binder;
        do {
            binder = sm->getService(String16("media.audio_flinger"));
            if (binder != 0)
            LOGW("AudioFlinger not published, waiting…");
            usleep(500000); // 0.5 s
        } while(true);
        if (gAudioFlingerClient == NULL) {
// 上面調用的函數ioConfigChanged其實是函數AudioSystem::AudioFlingerClient::ioConfigChanged
            gAudioFlingerClient = new AudioFlingerClient();
void AudioSystem::AudioFlingerClient::ioConfigChanged(int event, int ioHandle, void *param2) {
    LOGV("ioConfigChanged() event %d", event);
    OutputDescriptor *desc;
    uint32_t stream;

    if (ioHandle == 0) return;

    Mutex::Autolock _l(AudioSystem::gLock);

    switch (event) {
        if (param2 == 0) break;
        stream = *(uint32_t *)param2;
        LOGV("ioConfigChanged() STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGED stream %d, output %d", stream, ioHandle);
        if (gStreamOutputMap.indexOfKey(stream) >= 0) {
            gStreamOutputMap.replaceValueFor(stream, ioHandle);
    case OUTPUT_OPENED: {
        if (gOutputs.indexOfKey(ioHandle) >= 0) {
            LOGV("ioConfigChanged() opening already existing output! %d", ioHandle);
        if (param2 == 0) break;
        desc = (OutputDescriptor *)param2;

        OutputDescriptor *outputDesc =  new OutputDescriptor(*desc);
        gOutputs.add(ioHandle, outputDesc);
        LOGV("ioConfigChanged() new output samplingRate %d, format %d channels %d frameCount %d latency %d",
                outputDesc->samplingRate, outputDesc->format, outputDesc->channels, outputDesc->frameCount, outputDesc->latency);
        } break;
    case OUTPUT_CLOSED: {
        if (gOutputs.indexOfKey(ioHandle) < 0) {
            LOGW("ioConfigChanged() closing unknow output! %d", ioHandle);
        LOGV("ioConfigChanged() output %d closed", ioHandle);

        for (int i = gStreamOutputMap.size() – 1; i >= 0 ; i–) {
            if (gStreamOutputMap.valueAt(i) == ioHandle) {
        } break;
// 我們上面添加的是這個event
        int index = gOutputs.indexOfKey(ioHandle);
        if (index < 0) {
            LOGW("ioConfigChanged() modifying unknow output! %d", ioHandle);
        if (param2 == 0) break;
        desc = (OutputDescriptor *)param2;

        LOGV("ioConfigChanged() new config for output %d samplingRate %d, format %d channels %d frameCount %d latency %d",
                ioHandle, desc->samplingRate, desc->format,
                desc->channels, desc->frameCount, desc->latency);
        OutputDescriptor *outputDesc = gOutputs.valueAt(index);
        delete outputDesc;
        outputDesc =  new OutputDescriptor(*desc);
        gOutputs.replaceValueFor(ioHandle, outputDesc);
    } break;
    case INPUT_OPENED:
    case INPUT_CLOSED:

        } else {
            if (gAudioErrorCallback) {
        gAudioFlinger = interface_cast<IAudioFlinger>(binder);
    LOGE_IF(gAudioFlinger==0, "no AudioFlinger!?");

    return gAudioFlinger;
        delete configEvent;
    LOGV("sendConfigEvent() num events %d event %d, param %d", mConfigEvents.size(), event, param);


        mParamStatus = status;
    return reconfig;
    // wait condition with timeout in case the thread loop has exited
    // before the request could be processed
    if (mParamCond.waitRelative(mLock, seconds(2)) == NO_ERROR) {
        status = mParamStatus;
    } else {
        status = TIMED_OUT;
    return status;
#ifdef LVMX
        if ((NO_ERROR == result) && (device != -1)) {
            LifeVibes::setDevice(LifeVibes::threadIdToAudioOutputType(thread->id()), device);
        return result;
    return BAD_VALUE;
                     if (command->mWaitStatus) {
                     delete data;
——————————–case SET_PARAMETERS——————————–
    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding set parameter string %s, io %d ,delay %d",
            keyValuePairs.string(), ioHandle, delayMs);
    if (command->mWaitStatus) {
        status =  command->mStatus;
    return status;
    // update stream volumes according to new device
    applyStreamVolumes(output, device, delayMs);
void AudioPolicyManagerBase::applyStreamVolumes(audio_io_handle_t output, uint32_t device, int delayMs)
    LOGV("applyStreamVolumes() for output %d and device %x", output, device);

    for (int stream = 0; stream < AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES; stream++) {
        checkAndSetVolume(stream, mStreams[stream].mIndexCur, output, device, delayMs);

    // if changing from a combined headset + speaker route, unmute media streams
    if (output == mHardwareOutput && AudioSystem::popCount(prevDevice) == 2) {
        setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, false, output, delayMs);

    // handle special case for sonification while in call
    if (isInCall()) {
        handleIncallSonification(stream, true, false);

    // apply volume rules for current stream and device if necessary
    checkAndSetVolume(stream, mStreams[stream].mIndexCur, output, outputDesc->device());

    return NO_ERROR;
        if (status == NO_ERROR) {
            PlaybackThread *playbackThread = (PlaybackThread *)thread.get();
        } else {
            mState = state;
    } else {
        status = BAD_VALUE;
    return status;
// 如果狀態為DEAD_OBJECT,則創建一個AudioTrack對象,並調用其start函數
        if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) {
            LOGV("start() dead IAudioTrack: creating a new one");
            status = createTrack(mStreamType, mCblk->sampleRate, mFormat, mChannelCount,
                                 mFrameCount, mFlags, mSharedBuffer, getOutput(), false);
            if (status == NO_ERROR) {
                status = mAudioTrack->start();
                if (status == NO_ERROR) {
                    mNewPosition = mCblk->server + mUpdatePeriod;
        if (status != NO_ERROR) {
            LOGV("start() failed");
            android_atomic_and(~1, &mActive);
            if (t != 0) {
            } else {
                setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL);

    if (t != 0) {
            mPlayState = PLAYSTATE_PLAYING;
        log(TEST_NAME, "position ="+ track.getPlaybackHeadPosition());
        assertTrue(TEST_NAME, track.getPlaybackHeadPosition() > 0);
        //——– tear down      ————–



發佈留言必須填寫的電子郵件地址不會公開。 必填欄位標示為 *