


今天我們隻把stream type相關的代碼抽取出來,詳細看看stream type相關的東東。





static int

android_media_AudioTrack_native_setup(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jobject weak_this,

        jint streamType, jint sampleRateInHertz, jint channels,

        jint audioFormat, jint buffSizeInBytes, jint memoryMode, jintArray jSession)



// 獲取Frame Count和Sampling Rate的依據都是stream type。

// 其實現方法是通過stream type取得output,然後取得output的描述

// 如果取得成功,則取描述中的frame count,否則通過audio flinger取得output對應的frame count。

    if (AudioSystem::getOutputFrameCount(&afFrameCount, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {

        LOGE("Error creating AudioTrack: Could not get AudioSystem frame count.");



    if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSampleRate, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {

        LOGE("Error creating AudioTrack: Could not get AudioSystem sampling rate.");






 // 下面的工作是將java 側的stream type轉換為native 側的stream type。

 // 以後使用的都是轉換後的strea type。

    // check the stream type

    AudioSystem::stream_type atStreamType;

    if (streamType == javaAudioTrackFields.STREAM_VOICE_CALL) {

        atStreamType = AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL;

    } else if (streamType == javaAudioTrackFields.STREAM_SYSTEM) {

        atStreamType = AudioSystem::SYSTEM;

    } else if (streamType == javaAudioTrackFields.STREAM_RING) {

        atStreamType = AudioSystem::RING;

    } else if (streamType == javaAudioTrackFields.STREAM_MUSIC) {

        atStreamType = AudioSystem::MUSIC;

    } else if (streamType == javaAudioTrackFields.STREAM_ALARM) {

        atStreamType = AudioSystem::ALARM;

    } else if (streamType == javaAudioTrackFields.STREAM_NOTIFICATION) {

        atStreamType = AudioSystem::NOTIFICATION;

    } else if (streamType == javaAudioTrackFields.STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO) {

        atStreamType = AudioSystem::BLUETOOTH_SCO;

    } else if (streamType == javaAudioTrackFields.STREAM_DTMF) {

        atStreamType = AudioSystem::DTMF;

    } else {

        LOGE("Error creating AudioTrack: unknown stream type.");






    // 將stream type保存在AudioTrackJniStorage對象中

    lpJniStorage->mStreamType = atStreamType;




 // 調用AudioTrack對象的set函數

    // initialize the native AudioTrack object

    if (memoryMode == javaAudioTrackFields.MODE_STREAM) {



status_t AudioTrack::set(

        int streamType,

        uint32_t sampleRate,

        int format,

        int channels,

        int frameCount,

        uint32_t flags,

        callback_t cbf,

        void* user,

        int notificationFrames,

        const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,

        bool threadCanCallJava,

        int sessionId)





 // 前面已經說過

    int afSampleRate;

    if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSampleRate, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {

        return NO_INIT;


    uint32_t afLatency;

    if (AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(&afLatency, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {

        return NO_INIT;



 // stream type如果是DEFAULT,將其設置為MUSIC

    // handle default values first.

    if (streamType == AudioSystem::DEFAULT) {

        streamType = AudioSystem::MUSIC;





 // 獲取output

    audio_io_handle_t output = AudioSystem::getOutput((AudioSystem::stream_type)streamType,

            sampleRate, format, channels, (AudioSystem::output_flags)flags);


    if (output == 0) {

        LOGE("Could not get audio output for stream type %d", streamType);

        return BAD_VALUE;



    mVolume[LEFT] = 1.0f;

    mVolume[RIGHT] = 1.0f;

    mSendLevel = 0;

    mFrameCount = frameCount;

    mNotificationFramesReq = notificationFrames;

    mSessionId = sessionId;

    mAuxEffectId = 0;


 // 創建IAudioTrack對象


status_t AudioTrack::createTrack(

        int streamType,

        uint32_t sampleRate,

        int format,

        int channelCount,

        int frameCount,

        uint32_t flags,

        const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,

        audio_io_handle_t output,

        bool enforceFrameCount)




 // 這幾個又出現瞭

    int afSampleRate;

    if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSampleRate, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {

        return NO_INIT;


    int afFrameCount;

    if (AudioSystem::getOutputFrameCount(&afFrameCount, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {

        return NO_INIT;


    uint32_t afLatency;

    if (AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(&afLatency, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {

        return NO_INIT;





 // 調用audio flinger中的函數創建IAudioTrack對象


sp<IAudioTrack> AudioFlinger::createTrack(

        pid_t pid,

        int streamType,

        uint32_t sampleRate,

        int format,

        int channelCount,

        int frameCount,

        uint32_t flags,

        const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,

        int output,

        int *sessionId,

        status_t *status)


    sp<PlaybackThread::Track> track;

    sp<TrackHandle> trackHandle;

    sp<Client> client;

    wp<Client> wclient;

    status_t lStatus;

    int lSessionId;


 // 參數檢查

    if (streamType >= AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES) {

        LOGE("invalid stream type");

        lStatus = BAD_VALUE;

        goto Exit;





 // 並沒有對stream type作其他處理,調用playback thread的函數


// PlaybackThread::createTrack_l() must be called with AudioFlinger::mLock held

sp<AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track>  AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::createTrack_l(

        const sp<AudioFlinger::Client>& client,

        int streamType,

        uint32_t sampleRate,

        int format,

        int channelCount,

        int frameCount,

        const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,

        int sessionId,

        status_t *status)




 // 創建Track對象


// Track constructor must be called with AudioFlinger::mLock and ThreadBase::mLock held


            const wp<ThreadBase>& thread,

            const sp<Client>& client,

            int streamType,

            uint32_t sampleRate,

            int format,

            int channelCount,

            int frameCount,

            const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,

            int sessionId)

    :   TrackBase(thread, client, sampleRate, format, channelCount, frameCount, 0, sharedBuffer, sessionId),

    mMute(false), mSharedBuffer(sharedBuffer), mName(-1), mMainBuffer(NULL), mAuxBuffer(NULL),

    mAuxEffectId(0), mHasVolumeController(false)




 // 沒有再往下傳,賦值給瞭成員變量mStreamType


 // 看看哪些地方使用到瞭該成員變量mStreamType


void AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track::destroy()


    // NOTE: destroyTrack_l() can remove a strong reference to this Track

    // by removing it from mTracks vector, so there is a risk that this Tracks's

    // desctructor is called. As the destructor needs to lock mLock,

    // we must acquire a strong reference on this Track before locking mLock

    // here so that the destructor is called only when exiting this function.

    // On the other hand, as long as Track::destroy() is only called by

    // TrackHandle destructor, the TrackHandle still holds a strong ref on

    // this Track with its member mTrack.

    sp<Track> keep(this);

    { // scope for mLock

        sp<ThreadBase> thread = mThread.promote();

        if (thread != 0) {

            if (!isOutputTrack()) {

                if (mState == ACTIVE || mState == RESUMING) {


status_t AudioSystem::stopOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,

                                 AudioSystem::stream_type stream,

                                 int session)


    const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();

    if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;


status_t AudioPolicyService::stopOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,

                                        AudioSystem::stream_type stream,

                                        int session)


    if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) {

        return NO_INIT;


    LOGV("stopOutput() tid %d", gettid());

    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);


status_t AudioPolicyManagerBase::stopOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,

                                            AudioSystem::stream_type stream,

                                            int session)


    LOGV("stopOutput() output %d, stream %d, session %d", output, stream, session);

    ssize_t index = mOutputs.indexOfKey(output);

    if (index < 0) {

        LOGW("stopOutput() unknow output %d", output);

        return BAD_VALUE;



    AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueAt(index);

 // 根據stream type獲取strategy


AudioPolicyManagerBase::routing_strategy AudioPolicyManagerBase::getStrategy(

        AudioSystem::stream_type stream) {

    // stream to strategy mapping

    switch (stream) {

    case AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL:

    case AudioSystem::BLUETOOTH_SCO:

        return STRATEGY_PHONE;

    case AudioSystem::RING:

    case AudioSystem::NOTIFICATION:

    case AudioSystem::ALARM:

    case AudioSystem::ENFORCED_AUDIBLE:


    case AudioSystem::DTMF:

        return STRATEGY_DTMF;


        LOGE("unknown stream type");

    case AudioSystem::SYSTEM:

        // NOTE: SYSTEM stream uses MEDIA strategy because muting music and switching outputs

        // while key clicks are played produces a poor result

    case AudioSystem::TTS:

    case AudioSystem::MUSIC:

        return STRATEGY_MEDIA;




    routing_strategy strategy = getStrategy((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream);


    // handle special case for sonification while in call

    if (isInCall()) {


void AudioPolicyManagerBase::handleIncallSonification(int stream, bool starting, bool stateChange)


    // if the stream pertains to sonification strategy and we are in call we must

    // mute the stream if it is low visibility. If it is high visibility, we must play a tone

    // in the device used for phone strategy and play the tone if the selected device does not

    // interfere with the device used for phone strategy

    // if stateChange is true, we are called from setPhoneState() and we must mute or unmute as

    // many times as there are active tracks on the output


    if (getStrategy((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream) == STRATEGY_SONIFICATION) {

        AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueFor(mHardwareOutput);

        LOGV("handleIncallSonification() stream %d starting %d device %x stateChange %d",

                stream, starting, outputDesc->mDevice, stateChange);

        if (outputDesc->mRefCount[stream]) {

            int muteCount = 1;

            if (stateChange) {

                muteCount = outputDesc->mRefCount[stream];


            if (AudioSystem::isLowVisibility((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream)) {

                LOGV("handleIncallSonification() low visibility, muteCount %d", muteCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < muteCount; i++) {


void AudioPolicyManagerBase::setStreamMute(int stream, bool on, audio_io_handle_t output, int delayMs)


    StreamDescriptor &streamDesc = mStreams[stream];

    AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueFor(output);


    LOGV("setStreamMute() stream %d, mute %d, output %d, mMuteCount %d", stream, on, output, outputDesc->mMuteCount[stream]);


    if (on) {

        if (outputDesc->mMuteCount[stream] == 0) {

            if (streamDesc.mCanBeMuted) {


status_t AudioPolicyManagerBase::checkAndSetVolume(int stream, int index, audio_io_handle_t output, uint32_t device, int delayMs, bool force)



    // do not change actual stream volume if the stream is muted

    if (mOutputs.valueFor(output)->mMuteCount[stream] != 0) {

        LOGV("checkAndSetVolume() stream %d muted count %d", stream, mOutputs.valueFor(output)->mMuteCount[stream]);

        return NO_ERROR;



    // do not change in call volume if bluetooth is connected and vice versa

    if ((stream == AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL && mForceUse[AudioSystem::FOR_COMMUNICATION] == AudioSystem::FORCE_BT_SCO) ||

        (stream == AudioSystem::BLUETOOTH_SCO && mForceUse[AudioSystem::FOR_COMMUNICATION] != AudioSystem::FORCE_BT_SCO)) {

        LOGV("checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream %d volume with force use = %d for comm",

             stream, mForceUse[AudioSystem::FOR_COMMUNICATION]);

        return INVALID_OPERATION;




float AudioPolicyManagerBase::computeVolume(int stream, int index, audio_io_handle_t output, uint32_t device)


    float volume = 1.0;

    AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueFor(output);

    StreamDescriptor &streamDesc = mStreams[stream];


    if (device == 0) {

        device = outputDesc->device();



    int volInt = (100 * (index – streamDesc.mIndexMin)) / (streamDesc.mIndexMax – streamDesc.mIndexMin);

    volume = AudioSystem::linearToLog(volInt);


    // if a headset is connected, apply the following rules to ring tones and notifications

    // to avoid sound level bursts in user's ears:

    // – always attenuate ring tones and notifications volume by 6dB

    // – if music is playing, always limit the volume to current music volume,

    // with a minimum threshold at -36dB so that notification is always perceived.

    if ((device &

        (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP |


        AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET |

        AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE)) &&

        ((getStrategy((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream) == STRATEGY_SONIFICATION) ||

         (stream == AudioSystem::SYSTEM)) &&

        streamDesc.mCanBeMuted) {


        // when the phone is ringing we must consider that music could have been paused just before

        // by the music application and behave as if music was active if the last music track was

        // just stopped

        if (outputDesc->mRefCount[AudioSystem::MUSIC] || mLimitRingtoneVolume) {

            float musicVol = computeVolume(AudioSystem::MUSIC, mStreams[AudioSystem::MUSIC].mIndexCur, output, device);


            if (volume > minVol) {

                volume = minVol;

                LOGV("computeVolume limiting volume to %f musicVol %f", minVol, musicVol);





    return volume;



    float volume = computeVolume(stream, index, output, device);

    // We actually change the volume if:

    // – the float value returned by computeVolume() changed

    // – the force flag is set

    if (volume != mOutputs.valueFor(output)->mCurVolume[stream] ||

            force) {

        mOutputs.valueFor(output)->mCurVolume[stream] = volume;

        LOGV("setStreamVolume() for output %d stream %d, volume %f, delay %d", output, stream, volume, delayMs);

        if (stream == AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL ||

            stream == AudioSystem::DTMF ||

            stream == AudioSystem::BLUETOOTH_SCO) {

            // offset value to reflect actual hardware volume that never reaches 0

            // 1% corresponds roughly to first step in VOICE_CALL stream volume setting (see AudioService.java)

            volume = 0.01 + 0.99 * volume;




status_t AudioPolicyService::setStreamVolume(AudioSystem::stream_type stream,

                                             float volume,

                                             audio_io_handle_t output,

                                             int delayMs)



status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::volumeCommand(int stream,

                                                               float volume,

                                                               int output,

                                                               int delayMs)


    status_t status = NO_ERROR;


    AudioCommand *command = new AudioCommand();

    command->mCommand = SET_VOLUME;

    VolumeData *data = new VolumeData();

    data->mStream = stream;

    data->mVolume = volume;

    data->mIO = output;

    command->mParam = data;

    if (delayMs == 0) {

        command->mWaitStatus = true;

    } else {

        command->mWaitStatus = false;


    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);


// insertCommand_l() must be called with mLock held

void AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::insertCommand_l(AudioCommand *command, int delayMs)


    ssize_t i;

    Vector <AudioCommand *> removedCommands;


    command->mTime = systemTime() + milliseconds(delayMs);


    // acquire wake lock to make sure delayed commands are processed

    if (mName != "" && mAudioCommands.isEmpty()) {

        acquire_wake_lock(PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, mName.string());



    // check same pending commands with later time stamps and eliminate them

    for (i = mAudioCommands.size()-1; i >= 0; i–) {

        AudioCommand *command2 = mAudioCommands[i];

        // commands are sorted by increasing time stamp: no need to scan the rest of mAudioCommands

        if (command2->mTime <= command->mTime) break;

        if (command2->mCommand != command->mCommand) continue;


        switch (command->mCommand) {

        case SET_PARAMETERS: {

            ParametersData *data = (ParametersData *)command->mParam;

            ParametersData *data2 = (ParametersData *)command2->mParam;

            if (data->mIO != data2->mIO) break;

            LOGV("Comparing parameter command %s to new command %s",

                    data2->mKeyValuePairs.string(), data->mKeyValuePairs.string());

            AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(data->mKeyValuePairs);

            AudioParameter param2 = AudioParameter(data2->mKeyValuePairs);

            for (size_t j = 0; j < param.size(); j++) {

               String8 key;

               String8 value;

               param.getAt(j, key, value);

               for (size_t k = 0; k < param2.size(); k++) {

                  String8 key2;

                  String8 value2;

                  param2.getAt(k, key2, value2);

                  if (key2 == key) {


                      LOGV("Filtering out parameter %s", key2.string());





            // if all keys have been filtered out, remove the command.

            // otherwise, update the key value pairs

            if (param2.size() == 0) {


            } else {

                data2->mKeyValuePairs = param2.toString();


        } break;


        case SET_VOLUME: {

            VolumeData *data = (VolumeData *)command->mParam;

            VolumeData *data2 = (VolumeData *)command2->mParam;

            if (data->mIO != data2->mIO) break;

            if (data->mStream != data2->mStream) break;

            LOGV("Filtering out volume command on output %d for stream %d",

                    data->mIO, data->mStream);


        } break;

        case START_TONE:

        case STOP_TONE:






    // remove filtered commands

    for (size_t j = 0; j < removedCommands.size(); j++) {

        // removed commands always have time stamps greater than current command

        for (size_t k = i + 1; k < mAudioCommands.size(); k++) {

            if (mAudioCommands[k] == removedCommands[j]) {

                LOGV("suppressing command: %d", mAudioCommands[k]->mCommand);








    // insert command at the right place according to its time stamp

    LOGV("inserting command: %d at index %d, num commands %d",

            command->mCommand, (int)i+1, mAudioCommands.size());

 // 將command保存到瞭成員變量mAudioCommands中。

 // 函數AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::threadLoop中,處理mAudioCommands中的command。


bool AudioPolicyService::AudioCommandThread::threadLoop()


    nsecs_t waitTime = INT64_MAX;



    while (!exitPending())


        while(!mAudioCommands.isEmpty()) {

            nsecs_t curTime = systemTime();

            // commands are sorted by increasing time stamp: execute them from index 0 and up

            if (mAudioCommands[0]->mTime <= curTime) {

                AudioCommand *command = mAudioCommands[0];


                mLastCommand = *command;


                switch (command->mCommand) {

                case START_TONE: {


                    ToneData *data = (ToneData *)command->mParam;

                    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing start tone %d on stream %d",

                            data->mType, data->mStream);

                    if (mpToneGenerator != NULL)

                        delete mpToneGenerator;

                    mpToneGenerator = new ToneGenerator(data->mStream, 1.0);


                    delete data;



                case STOP_TONE: {


                    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing stop tone");

                    if (mpToneGenerator != NULL) {


                        delete mpToneGenerator;

                        mpToneGenerator = NULL;




                case SET_VOLUME: {

                    VolumeData *data = (VolumeData *)command->mParam;

                    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set volume stream %d, \

                            volume %f, output %d", data->mStream, data->mVolume, data->mIO);

     // 調用到AudioSystem的函數中


status_t AudioSystem::setStreamVolume(int stream, float value, int output)


    if (uint32_t(stream) >= NUM_STREAM_TYPES) return BAD_VALUE;

    const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();

    if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;

 // 又調到瞭audio flinger中


status_t AudioFlinger::setStreamVolume(int stream, float value, int output)


    // check calling permissions

    if (!settingsAllowed()) {

        return PERMISSION_DENIED;



    if (stream < 0 || uint32_t(stream) >= AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES) {

        return BAD_VALUE;



    AutoMutex lock(mLock);

    PlaybackThread *thread = NULL;

    if (output) {

        thread = checkPlaybackThread_l(output);

        if (thread == NULL) {

            return BAD_VALUE;




 // audio flinger中保存的各stream的volume

    mStreamTypes[stream].volume = value;


    if (thread == NULL) {

        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mPlaybackThreads.size(); i++) {

           mPlaybackThreads.valueAt(i)->setStreamVolume(stream, value);


    } else {


status_t AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::setStreamVolume(int stream, float value)


#ifdef LVMX

    int audioOutputType = LifeVibes::getMixerType(mId, mType);

    if (LifeVibes::audioOutputTypeIsLifeVibes(audioOutputType)) {

        LifeVibes::setStreamVolume(audioOutputType, stream, value);



// playback thread中保存的各stream的volume

    mStreamTypes[stream].volume = value;

    return NO_ERROR;



        thread->setStreamVolume(stream, value);



    return NO_ERROR;



    af->setStreamVolume(stream, value, output);

    return NO_ERROR;



                    command->mStatus = AudioSystem::setStreamVolume(data->mStream,



                    if (command->mWaitStatus) {




                    delete data;


                case SET_PARAMETERS: {

                     ParametersData *data = (ParametersData *)command->mParam;

                     LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set parameters string %s, io %d",

                             data->mKeyValuePairs.string(), data->mIO);

                     command->mStatus = AudioSystem::setParameters(data->mIO, data->mKeyValuePairs);

                     if (command->mWaitStatus) {




                     delete data;


                case SET_VOICE_VOLUME: {

                    VoiceVolumeData *data = (VoiceVolumeData *)command->mParam;

                    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing set voice volume volume %f",


                    command->mStatus = AudioSystem::setVoiceVolume(data->mVolume);

                    if (command->mWaitStatus) {




                    delete data;



                    LOGW("AudioCommandThread() unknown command %d", command->mCommand);


                delete command;

                waitTime = INT64_MAX;

            } else {

                waitTime = mAudioCommands[0]->mTime – curTime;




        // release delayed commands wake lock

        if (mName != "" && mAudioCommands.isEmpty()) {



        LOGV("AudioCommandThread() going to sleep");

        mWaitWorkCV.waitRelative(mLock, waitTime);

        LOGV("AudioCommandThread() waking up");



    return false;



    mAudioCommands.insertAt(command, i + 1);



    insertCommand_l(command, delayMs);

    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() adding set volume stream %d, volume %f, output %d",

            stream, volume, output);


    if (command->mWaitStatus) {


        status =  command->mStatus;



    return status;



    return mAudioCommandThread->volumeCommand((int)stream, volume, (int)output, delayMs);



        mpClientInterface->setStreamVolume((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream, volume, output, delayMs);



    if (stream == AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL ||

        stream == AudioSystem::BLUETOOTH_SCO) {

        float voiceVolume;

        // Force voice volume to max for bluetooth SCO as volume is managed by the headset

        if (stream == AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL) {

            voiceVolume = (float)index/(float)mStreams[stream].mIndexMax;

        } else {

            voiceVolume = 1.0;


        if (voiceVolume != mLastVoiceVolume && output == mHardwareOutput) {

            mpClientInterface->setVoiceVolume(voiceVolume, delayMs);

            mLastVoiceVolume = voiceVolume;




    return NO_ERROR;



                checkAndSetVolume(stream, 0, output, outputDesc->device(), delayMs);



        // increment mMuteCount after calling checkAndSetVolume() so that volume change is not ignored


    } else {

        if (outputDesc->mMuteCount[stream] == 0) {

            LOGW("setStreamMute() unmuting non muted stream!");



        if (–outputDesc->mMuteCount[stream] == 0) {

            checkAndSetVolume(stream, streamDesc.mIndexCur, output, outputDesc->device(), delayMs);





                    setStreamMute(stream, starting, mHardwareOutput);


            } else {

                LOGV("handleIncallSonification() high visibility");

                if (outputDesc->device() & getDeviceForStrategy(STRATEGY_PHONE)) {

                    LOGV("handleIncallSonification() high visibility muted, muteCount %d", muteCount);

                    for (int i = 0; i < muteCount; i++) {

                        setStreamMute(stream, starting, mHardwareOutput);



                if (starting) {


status_t AudioPolicyService::startTone(ToneGenerator::tone_type tone,

                                       AudioSystem::stream_type stream)


// 應該與剛看過的set volume command類似

// command的處理中threadloop函數中,處理代碼如下:


                case START_TONE: {


                    ToneData *data = (ToneData *)command->mParam;

                    LOGV("AudioCommandThread() processing start tone %d on stream %d",

                            data->mType, data->mStream);

                    if (mpToneGenerator != NULL)

                        delete mpToneGenerator;

                    mpToneGenerator = new ToneGenerator(data->mStream, 1.0);


                    delete data;




    mTonePlaybackThread->startToneCommand(tone, stream);

    return NO_ERROR;



                    mpClientInterface->startTone(ToneGenerator::TONE_SUP_CALL_WAITING, AudioSystem::VOICE_CALL);

                } else {








        handleIncallSonification(stream, false, false);



    if (outputDesc->mRefCount[stream] > 0) {

        // decrement usage count of this stream on the output

        outputDesc->changeRefCount(stream, -1);

        // store time at which the last music track was stopped – see computeVolume()

        if (stream == AudioSystem::MUSIC) {

            mMusicStopTime = systemTime();



        setOutputDevice(output, getNewDevice(output));


#ifdef WITH_A2DP

        if (mA2dpOutput != 0 && !a2dpUsedForSonification() &&

                strategy == STRATEGY_SONIFICATION) {







        if (output != mHardwareOutput) {

            setOutputDevice(mHardwareOutput, getNewDevice(mHardwareOutput), true);


        return NO_ERROR;

    } else {

        LOGW("stopOutput() refcount is already 0 for output %d", output);

        return INVALID_OPERATION;




    return mpPolicyManager->stopOutput(output, stream, session);



    return aps->stopOutput(output, stream, session);









            Mutex::Autolock _l(thread->mLock);

            PlaybackThread *playbackThread = (PlaybackThread *)thread.get();







// 看看下一個使用成員變量mStreamType 的地方是哪兒


status_t AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track::start()


    status_t status = NO_ERROR;

    LOGV("start(%d), calling thread %d session %d",

            mName, IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid(), mSessionId);

    sp<ThreadBase> thread = mThread.promote();

    if (thread != 0) {

        Mutex::Autolock _l(thread->mLock);

        int state = mState;

        // here the track could be either new, or restarted

        // in both cases "unstop" the track

        if (mState == PAUSED) {

            mState = TrackBase::RESUMING;

            LOGV("PAUSED => RESUMING (%d) on thread %p", mName, this);

        } else {

            mState = TrackBase::ACTIVE;

            LOGV("? => ACTIVE (%d) on thread %p", mName, this);



        if (!isOutputTrack() && state != ACTIVE && state != RESUMING) {



status_t AudioSystem::startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,

                                  AudioSystem::stream_type stream,

                                  int session)


    const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();

    if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;


status_t AudioPolicyService::startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,

                                         AudioSystem::stream_type stream,

                                         int session)


    if (mpPolicyManager == NULL) {

        return NO_INIT;


    LOGV("startOutput() tid %d", gettid());

    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);


// 與剛看過的函數AudioPolicyManagerBase::stopOutput中調用的函數類似

status_t AudioPolicyManagerBase::startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,

                                             AudioSystem::stream_type stream,

                                             int session)


    LOGV("startOutput() output %d, stream %d, session %d", output, stream, session);

    ssize_t index = mOutputs.indexOfKey(output);

    if (index < 0) {

        LOGW("startOutput() unknow output %d", output);

        return BAD_VALUE;



    AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueAt(index);

    routing_strategy strategy = getStrategy((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream);


#ifdef WITH_A2DP

    if (mA2dpOutput != 0  && !a2dpUsedForSonification() && strategy == STRATEGY_SONIFICATION) {

        setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, true, mA2dpOutput);




    // incremenent usage count for this stream on the requested output:

    // NOTE that the usage count is the same for duplicated output and hardware output which is

    // necassary for a correct control of hardware output routing by startOutput() and stopOutput()

    outputDesc->changeRefCount(stream, 1);


    setOutputDevice(output, getNewDevice(output));


    // handle special case for sonification while in call

    if (isInCall()) {

        handleIncallSonification(stream, true, false);



    // apply volume rules for current stream and device if necessary

    checkAndSetVolume(stream, mStreams[stream].mIndexCur, output, outputDesc->device());


    return NO_ERROR;



    return mpPolicyManager->startOutput(output, stream, session);



    return aps->startOutput(output, stream, session);



            status = AudioSystem::startOutput(thread->id(),





        if (status == NO_ERROR) {

            PlaybackThread *playbackThread = (PlaybackThread *)thread.get();


        } else {

            mState = state;


    } else {

        status = BAD_VALUE;


    return status;




// 看看下一個使用成員變量mStreamType 的地方是哪兒


void AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track::stop()


    LOGV("stop(%d), calling thread %d", mName, IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid());

    sp<ThreadBase> thread = mThread.promote();

    if (thread != 0) {

        Mutex::Autolock _l(thread->mLock);

        int state = mState;

        if (mState > STOPPED) {

            mState = STOPPED;

            // If the track is not active (PAUSED and buffers full), flush buffers

            PlaybackThread *playbackThread = (PlaybackThread *)thread.get();

            if (playbackThread->mActiveTracks.indexOf(this) < 0) {



            LOGV("(> STOPPED) => STOPPED (%d) on thread %p", mName, playbackThread);


        if (!isOutputTrack() && (state == ACTIVE || state == RESUMING)) {


   // 調用的函數也是AudioSystem::stopOutput,剛才已看過










// 看看下一個使用成員變量mStreamType 的地方是哪兒


void AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track::pause()


    LOGV("pause(%d), calling thread %d", mName, IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid());

    sp<ThreadBase> thread = mThread.promote();

    if (thread != 0) {

        Mutex::Autolock _l(thread->mLock);

        if (mState == ACTIVE || mState == RESUMING) {

            mState = PAUSING;

            LOGV("ACTIVE/RESUMING => PAUSING (%d) on thread %p", mName, thread.get());

            if (!isOutputTrack()) {


    // 調用的函數也是AudioSystem::stopOutput,剛才已看過











        mStreamType = streamType;






        track = new Track(this, client, streamType, sampleRate, format,

                channelCount, frameCount, sharedBuffer, sessionId);




    return track;



        track = thread->createTrack_l(client, streamType, sampleRate, format,

                channelCount, frameCount, sharedBuffer, lSessionId, &lStatus);




    return trackHandle;



    sp<IAudioTrack> track = audioFlinger->createTrack(getpid(),






                                                      ((uint16_t)flags) << 16,






    if (track == 0) {

        LOGE("AudioFlinger could not create track, status: %d", status);

        return status;





    return NO_ERROR;



    // create the IAudioTrack

    status_t status = createTrack(streamType, sampleRate, format, channelCount,

                                  frameCount, flags, sharedBuffer, output, true);


    if (status != NO_ERROR) {

        return status;



    if (cbf != 0) {

        mAudioTrackThread = new AudioTrackThread(*this, threadCanCallJava);

        if (mAudioTrackThread == 0) {

          LOGE("Could not create callback thread");

          return NO_INIT;




    mStatus = NO_ERROR;


 // 將stream type保存到成員變量中

 // 以下函數中會使用到該成員變量

 // AudioTrack::streamType – 獲取stream type

 // AudioTrack::start – 如果status為DEAD_OBJECT,將調用函數createTrack創建IAudioTrack對象

 // AudioTrack::setSampleRate – 會根據stream type獲取sampling rate。

 // AudioTrack::getOutput – 根據stream type獲取output

 // AudioTrack::obtainBuffer – 如果status為DEAD_OBJECT,將調用函數createTrack創建IAudioTrack對象

    mStreamType = streamType;

    mFormat = format;

    mChannels = channels;

    mChannelCount = channelCount;

    mSharedBuffer = sharedBuffer;

    mMuted = false;

    mActive = 0;

    mCbf = cbf;

    mUserData = user;

    mLoopCount = 0;

    mMarkerPosition = 0;

    mMarkerReached = false;

    mNewPosition = 0;

    mUpdatePeriod = 0;

    mFlags = flags;


    return NO_ERROR;




            atStreamType,// stream type


            format,// word length, PCM



            0,// flags

            audioCallback, &(lpJniStorage->mCallbackData),//callback, callback data (user)

            0,// notificationFrames == 0 since not using EVENT_MORE_DATA to feed the AudioTrack

            0,// shared mem

            true,// thread can call Java

            sessionId);// audio session ID


    } else if (memoryMode == javaAudioTrackFields.MODE_STATIC) {

        // AudioTrack is using shared memory


        if (!lpJniStorage->allocSharedMem(buffSizeInBytes)) {

            LOGE("Error creating AudioTrack in static mode: error creating mem heap base");

            goto native_init_failure;




            atStreamType,// stream type


            format,// word length, PCM



            0,// flags

            audioCallback, &(lpJniStorage->mCallbackData),//callback, callback data (user));

            0,// notificationFrames == 0 since not using EVENT_MORE_DATA to feed the AudioTrack

            lpJniStorage->mMemBase,// shared mem

            true,// thread can call Java

            sessionId);// audio session ID








stream type是audio native層管理stream用的。

再往下,HAL層中,並沒有stream type的概念,

如函數AudioHardwareALSA::openOutputStream的參數中並不包含stream type的信息:


    // set/get global audio parameters

    //virtual status_t    setParameters(const String8& keyValuePairs);

    //virtual String8     getParameters(const String8& keys);


    // Returns audio input buffer size according to parameters passed or 0 if one of the

    // parameters is not supported

    //virtual size_t    getInputBufferSize(uint32_t sampleRate, int format, int channels);


    /** This method creates and opens the audio hardware output stream */

    virtual AudioStreamOut* openOutputStream(

            uint32_t devices,

            int *format=0,

            uint32_t *channels=0,

            uint32_t *sampleRate=0,

            status_t *status=0);



audio flinger和play back thread分別用數組保存瞭各stream type的相關信息。

audio policy中保存瞭各stream type的strategy。


audio flinger中定義的stream type的信息的數組:

PlaybackThread::stream_type_t       mStreamTypes[AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES];


        struct  stream_type_t {


                :   volume(1.0f),




            float       volume;

            bool        mute;








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